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Navigator is very slow to populate with a package that has over 10,000 rows
The Navigator is very slow to populate when opening a large package in version 12.12. It seems to be related to Code Analysis. To reproduce the problem you need a very large package (about 10000 lines) which includes a huge amount of variable declarations in various procedures, e.g. of type PLS_INTEGER and an 11.2 database.
The steps to reproduce the problem are:
• Go to View | Toad options | Code Analysis and, on the right panel, make sure “Check rules as you type" is checked • Go to View | Toad options | Code Analysis and, on the right panel, select as “Default Rule Set” All Rules • Apply and click OK • Compile the package • Open the Schema Browser, go to Packages and double click the package • Once the package is opened, check the Navigator Window and time how long it takes to load. It takes around 40 seconds, while in 12.11 it just takes about 5 seconds. In the latest beta it also takes 40 seconds. • If you go back to options, select as “Default Rule Set” top 20 and reopen the package , you will see that it takes about 5 seconds.
It was found in investigations that the rule that seems to affect this is 2128, but is not reproducible.
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