How to complete a backup or restore, the successful information message is displayed. How to disable the display results?
Backup script:
exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = N'model', @backupname = N'model - Full Database Backup',
@compressionlevel = 1,
@filename = N'D:\backup\model_Full_200903191040.bak',
@init = 1,
@with = N'SKIP',
@with = N'STATS = 10'
Return result:
LiteSpeed(R) for SQL Server Version
Copyright 2009 Quest Software, Inc.
Registered Name: Quest
Processed 152 pages for database 'model', file 'modeldev' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'model', file 'modellog' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 154 pages in 0.610 seconds (2.061 MB/sec).
Backup added as file number: 1
Native Size: 3.25 MB
Backup Size: 0.25 MB
CPU Seconds: 0.27
Environment: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
CPUs: 2 logical, 1 core, 1 physical package.
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