- SQL Server-based PI repository has been created as described in KB 4227004
- Operating System (where the tool will be installed)
- Windows x64
- Hardware requirements at least
CPUs (2.4GHz)*
2 Cores | 8 GB | 10 GB |
- Download the pi-ib-migrate-tool-2.1.zip attached to this KB article (see the download link at the bottom).
- Unzip the file to your local computer. This file is named as follows:
PLEASE NOTE: Before using the migration tool, the new SQL Server database and schema must be created as per the KB 313191 (for SQL Server and Oracle database agents) and KB 315512 (for SSAS agents).
For migration performance reasons, Quest R&D recommends running the migration tool on a system that is not the same system as where the Infobright PI repository is located. In this scenario, ports should be open between the source and target systems for the migration tool to connect (port 5029 by default for Infobright, port 1433 by default for SQL Server).
- Launch Migration tool GUI like this:
- Open command prompt (Press Windows with R & type CMD).
- cd to the migration tool folder
- type start-gui.bat and press Enter
For permissions/path issues, please try running the batch file or command prompt as Administrator
Select Instances
- Fill in the source PostgreSQL database details including the servername, port (the default is usually 5029), username (the default is usually postgres), and password (the default is usually postgres)
- Select the source schema and click the Connect button to verify the connection
- Select PI Domain Database and fill in the destination servername, port (this is optional and will use the SQL Server browser capability on the server if the port is not filled in), the database username, and the password.
- Select the target schema. This will be a schema created as part of the steps in KB 313191 (for SQL Server and Oracle database agents) and KB 315512 (for SSAS agents).
- Click the Connect button to verify the connection.
- Click Migrate Data
- The left panel shows all instances from the source database. The green checkmark icon indicates that the same instance already exists in the target database.
- Select the instances you need to migrate and click the '>' button
- The right panel shows all selected instances that will be migrated, un-select instances by clicking the '<' or '<<' button.
- After confirming the selected instances, click OK to begin migrating the PI data of the selected instances
Check the data migration results
When the data migration is completed, check the summary report from the console.
The migration proceeds instance by instance. If it was running into an error during the migration, it will skip the error and continue to finish the remaining tables of the same instance. Check the error message in the console when the migration is completed. There is also a file ${domain}_migration_xxxxxx that is generated under the backup folder. Backup file records instances of migration success and failure.
The summary report lists all the succeed (failed) instances, and it's recommended to try another round of migration on failed instance
Domain Type
Instance Size
Total Row Count
MSSQL | 50 | 60,074,647 | 60 minutes |
MSSQL | 100 | 116,637,073 | 121 minutes |
MSSQL | 200 | 235,726,060 | 247 minutes |
MSSQL | 300 | 350,792,942 | 360 minutes |
- The migration tool only supports using a SQL Server Authentication Login.
- The SQL Server instance where the PI repository is installed should be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
- The migration tool will migrate all tables data except 1-min tables.
- The migration tool can migrate up to 300 instances of data from Infobright to SQL Server-based PI repository at a time.
- The migration tool supports migrating PI data from different Infobright databases to the same MSSQL database.
- The migration tool will automatically check the data integrity verification first. If it identifies any table corruption, the migration tool will not begin the data migration process. Please contact Quest Software Support if you would like to proceed with data migration.
- Each Oracle RAC node is not counted as a monitored instance toward the total count of 300 agents per SQL Server PI repository instance.
- Duration estimates assume that the Infobright PI repository is on a server that has full CPU & Memory reservations, and that both the Infobright and SQL Server PI repositories are on the same local area network and domain.
- The migration tool cannot be used to migrate Infobright PI repository data to a different FMS environment or PI environment, it is only supported being used in the upgrade process from on the same FMS.