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6. Create the Foglight database instance by running:
mysql> source \scripts\sql\mysql_create_db.sql
7. Re-import the data dump:
mysql> source \foglight.dump
8. Configure the Management Server to use this new database by opening the following file:
9. Update the following values in the above file: = "[mysql host]";
server.database.port = "[mysql port]";
server.database.embedded = "false";
10. Remove the part of your Foglight installation that was used for the embedded MySQL database by deleting the directory \mysql.
11. Restart the Management Server.
a) Open the most recent Management Server log file in \logs.
b) Look for the message Forge Server startup completed and ensure that there are no errors listed after it.
13. Verify that the Management Server connects to the migrated external MySQL database. There are two ways to do so:
• Open the most recent Management Server log file in \logs. Verify that the parameter lists external MySQL database host as its value and that server.database.embedded is set to false.
• Log in to the browser interface and navigate to Dashboards > Administration > Setup & Support > Foglight configuration. Verify that external MySQL database host is listed in the Database Host box and that External is listed in the Database Location box.
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