SQL Server agent log files display the following error
com.dell.dsgi.jdbc.sqlserverbase.dden: [Foglight][SQLServer JDBC Driver]NTLM (type-2) Authentication was requested but the required DDJDBCx64Auth05.dll was not found on the path specified by the java.library.path system property.
This may cause SQL Server agents not to added using Windows Authentication. A message in the installer log similar to the following may be found
The SQL Server JDBC command line mssql-connection-test is successful using a SQL Server account (e.g. 'sa').
DataDirect 3rd party SQL Server driver issue. Root cause of the specific error is unknown. Refer to Progress KB Article ID 000167326 - "'DDJDBCAuth05.dll already loaded in another classloader' when starting Sonic with the Connect for JDBC SQL Server driver" for more details.
Starting from Cartridge for SQL Server, we ship both Progress DataDirect for JDBC for SQL Server driver (DD driver) and Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The default is the Microsoft driver but we have an optional parameter to force using the legacy DataDirect driver. Microsoft JDBC driver is not affected by this issue.
Two DataDirect 3rd party DLL files used for authentication are missing.
A contributing factor has been found that when a user belongs to many groups, that user may have problems with authentication or with Group Policy settings. This is detailed in Microsoft KB Article ID 327825 - "Problems with Kerberos authentication when a user belongs to many groups".
Issue stating the DLL path.
Database connection is using Windows Default Account Authentication on Unix.
Unknown Windows Default Account connection issue
The preferred solution is to upgrade SQL Server cartridge to a supported version which already uses Microsoft JDBC driver by default. This may also require to remove the optional parameter to force using DataDirect driver.
Add the following two missing files
To the Foglight SQL Server agent library on the Foglight Agent Manager in
{Foglight Agent Manager install location}\agents\DB_SQL_Server\{version number}\lib
To determine the Access Token Size on some of the hosts affected.
The Access token size in bytes can be estimated by using the following formula:
[12 x number of user rights] + [token overhead] + [44 x number of group memberships] = token size in bytes
Group nest can also factor into the calculation as described in archived Microsoft KB Article ID 912376 - "How to monitor and troubleshoot the use of paged pool memory in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server"
To increase the MaxTokenSize on affect hosts
To allow a user to be a member of more groups, users can increase the size of the MaxTokenSize by modifying the following registry key on the remote server as described in a Microsoft KB blog - "MaxTokenSize and Kerberos Token Bloat" or using a group policy as described in Microsoft KB Article ID 938118 - "How to use Group Policy to add the MaxTokenSize registry entry to multiple computers".
Note: Support does not provide support for problems that arise from improper modification of the registry. The Windows registry contains information critical to your computer and applications. Make sure you back up the registry before modifying it. For more information on the Windows Registry Editor and how to back up and restore it, refer to Microsoft KB Article ID 256986 “Description of the Microsoft Windows registry” at Microsoft Support.
Test the connection using the MSSQL connection test with Windows Authentication and fix any PATH issues.
Windows Default Authentication does not exist on Unix.
Use a Windows Custom Account instead of a Windows Default Account.
FOG-1316 has been added in SQL Server cartridge to replace the default third party DataDirect SQL Server JDBC driver with a Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver.
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