On a SQL Server database agent overview page, in the Operational box, the Jobs and Error Log messages counts and alarm status display the text
"There is no data to display"
Messages similar to the following appear in the FMS log when the Overview page is accessed in Foglight
An alarm that has a severity of 1 that is recognized by the system is in the alarm_alarm table of the FMS repository.
To identify the alarm that have an invalid severity of 1, run the the following two SQL statements in the FMS repository
SELECT * FROM alarm_alarm where severity not in(2,3,4)
SELECT severity, count(severity)
FROM [foglight].[dbo].[alarm_alarm]
group by severity
Once it has been confirmed that there is a row with an invalid row, run this SQL statement in the FMS repository, where the alarm_id value is the result from the first previous query (replace 19297 with the appropriate alarm_id)
DELETE FROM [foglight].[dbo].[alarm_alarm]
where alarm_id=19297
The rerun the previous query to confirm the rows with the severity = 1 have been removed
SELECT * FROM alarm_alarm where severity not in(2,3,4)
SELECT severity, count(severity)
FROM [foglight].[dbo].[alarm_alarm]
group by severity
The return to the check the panel.
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