EMS Asynchronous Database Size
The EMS Asynchronous Database Size rule checks the size of the EMS Asynchronous storage. There are two severity levels for this rule.
EMS Connections Rule
The EMS Connections rule is designed to alert the operator if more than a given percentage of the total connections are being utilized.
EMS Durables Rule
The EMS Durables rule compares the Active Durable Count subscribers to the number of Durables that are expected.
EMS Message Memory
The Key_Buffer_HitRate rule will fire when the Key Buffer hit rate falls below a user defined percentage
EMS Message Rate Rule
The EMS Message Rate Rule compares the EMS Server Inboundmessagerate to the Outboundmessagerate and alerts the operator if the Inboundmessagerate is higher than the Outboundmessagerate.
EMS Pending Messages Rule
The EMS Pending Message Rule compares the EMS Server Pending Message Count to a predefined threshold. This rule has pre-defined Foglight registry values and has three defined severities.
EMS Pending Messages Rule
The EMS Pending Message Rule compares the EMS Server Pending Message Count to a predefined threshold. This rule has pre-defined Foglight registry values and has three defined severities.
EMS Queue Pending Messages
The EMS Queue Pending Message Rule alerts the operator if the message count in a given queue is higher than a pre-defined percentage of the Maximum number of messages on that queue.
EMS Pending Messages Size Rule
The EMS Queue Pending Message Size Rule alerts the operator if the message size in a given queue is higher than a pre-defined percentage of the Maximum message size on that queue.
EMS Queues Rule
The EMS Queues Rule alerts the operator if the number (count) of EMS Queues is greater than a pre-defined value.
EMS Synchronous Database Rule
The EMS Synchronous Database Rule alerts the operator if the size (bytes) of the EMS Database if greater than a predefined value.
EMS Topics Pending Message Size Rule
The EMS Topics Pending Size Rule alerts the operator if the Pending Message Size for a given topic is higher than a pre-defined percentage of the Maximum Message size (bytes).
EMS Topics Rule
The EMS Topics Rule alerts the operator if the total number of EMS topics exceeds a predefined threshold.
Queue Has No Consumers
This rule sends an alert if a Queue has no consumers for two consecutive sample collections, indicating that the Queue has become unnecessary and should probably be deleted.
Business Works Elapsed Activity Time Rule
The Business Works Elapsed Activity Time Rule alerts the administrator when the most recent elapsed time for an activity exceeds a preset threshold defined in the registry as ‘RecentElapsed (WARN/CRIT). The alert provides information on the Activity name and the most recent elapsed time for that activity. It also provides information on the multiple for execution time over average execution time.
Business Works Activity Errors Rule
The Business Works Activity Error Rule alerts the administrator should any Error occur on an Adapter. The alert provides the Adapter name, Activity Name and Error count.
Business Works Activity Maximum Elapsed Time Rule
The BusinessWorks Activity Maximum Elapsed Time Rule alerts the administrator if an Activity has a most recent elapsed time equal to (Warning) or greater than (Critical) the maximum elapsed time for a given Activity provided the most recent elapsed time is also greater than a preset threshold for the recent elapsed time. The alert provides information on the Adapter, Process Definition, and Activity Name.
Business Works Memory Usage Rule
The Business Memory Usage monitors the memory usage for TIBCO BW Adapters and alerts administrators should the memory usage for a given adapter utilize more than a predefined percentage (TIBCO_Memory_Warn/Critical) of the total allocated memory (TIBCO_Total_Memory).
Business Works Process Aborted Rule
The Business Works Process Aborted Rule checks for any Business Works processes that have been aborted. The alert provides information on the Adapter and Process name as well as on the number of aborted processes. The severity of this alert is based on pre-defined variables.
Business Works Process Elapsed Time Rule
The Business Works Elapsed Time Rule checks the Current Elapsed Time for a process and alerts if it is over a preset threshold (RecentElapsedWARN/CRIT).
Business Works Process Maximum Elapsed Time Rule
The Business Works Maximum Elapsed Time Rule checks the Current Elapsed Time for a process and compares it to the Maximum Elapsed Time for that process
Business Works Status Rule
The Business Works Status Rule checks to ensure all BW applications are running. If an application state is not running an alert is generated containing the affected Adapter and Host information.
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