Once xml script was specified for DSA job and configuration saved, Advanced Options on the properties of directory synchronization job will have "Use custom add-in" checkmark selected. Under "Custom add-in file name" there will be no actual file name and only information is displayed. Is there any way to obtain more information about what script was used?
The behavior is not a bug and by design. Once script is specified, it's xml content is parsed and placed into ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode) / ADLDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services). Once it is placed into ADAM / ADLDS, there is no need to reference xml filename. In fact, this file can be even deleted.
It is possible to obtain the script content body which is currently in use by particular directory synchronization job.
Stop synchronization and back up ADAM database prior to following the below instructions.
For ADLDS / Windows Server 2008 and newer:
1. Gather Servername, Project Name and Port number by clicking on Open Project in Migration Manager.
2. Open ADSIedit
3. Click on Connect To.
4. Select "Distinguished name (DN) or naming context" and specify CN='The QMM Project Name'. For example, enter: CN=QMM1.
5. Under the Computer section, type the server name or 'localhost', followed by ':' and the port used. For example, enter: localhost:389. Click on OK.
6. Expand the Default naming context that was just opened.
7. Expand the Project name (CN='projectname').
8. Expand CN=AMMProject_(This is generated, so it will be unique per ADLDS project).
9. Expand CN=Projects.
10. Locate and expand the appropriate Domain Pair. This is found by selecting a CN=and selecting Properties. Under Properties, there is an attribute 'Aelita-Amm-Name', and it will match the Domain Pair name found in Migration Manager.
11. Locate and expand the CN associated with the Synchronization node. This is found by selecting a Cn=and selecting Properties. Under Properties, there is an attribute 'Aelita-Amm-Name' which will match the friendly name of 'Synchronization'.
12. Under Properties of the Synchronization node, locate and select the aelita-Amm-ScriptBody attribute.
13. Click on Edit. Right-click on the Value and select 'Select All'
14. Copy the selection and paste into Notepad, or another appropriate text editor.
Enhancement request has been submitted to Development to reflect more information about xml script through QMM GUI.
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