Oracle database dashboard displays inconsistent information:
From the Databases Homes and Oracle Database Overview dashboards a value for memory utilization is displayed.
When clicking on the hostname or the memory utilization value on the home of the Databases dashboard, the displayed dashboard shows a different value for memory utilization.
Oracle agent and Unix agent from the Infrastructure cartridge use different collection methods when gathering memory values.
The issue is not related to different collection schedules for both agents, as the collected metrics are constantly different.
The memory metrics viewed from the Databases dashboard and in the Database Instance Overview are collected by the Oracle agent. Clicking on the hostname or the memory utilization value the displayed on the Databases dashboard redirects to the Hosts dashboard and the memory metrics there are collected by the UnixAgent of the Infrastructure cartridge. Both agents use different methods to collect the metrics and results may vary.
Oracle agent:
Similar memory utilization results as obtained when running “vmstat -S 20 2” on the HPUX command line interface (this command provides the free memory in pages and needs to be multiplied by the page size, usually 4K to get the free memory).
Similar memory utilization results as obtained when running “swapinfo -m” on the HPUX command line.
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