How to move replicated VMs from one datastore to another
You are adding or changing your storage that is being used for the replica VMs datastores. You need to move the replica VMs to these new datastores so that you do not need to start replication with full replication passes.
The following steps will allow you to move the VMs and to configure replication to continue with the new datastores.
1. Set up new datastores on the target hosts with the new storage.
2. Rename the VM to not include the _VZreplicate in the name
3. Storage vMotion the VMs to the new datastores, this will relocate the VM directory to the new datastores including all the VMware and vReplicator files and will keep the same name as what is shown in the inventory
4. Rename the VM back to include the _VZreplicate in the name
5. Edit your replication jobs to have vReplicator replicate the VMs to the new datastore
6. Run the jobs again this time the migrated VMs will replicate the changes to the new datastores
The following VMware KB can be referenced to show why the VM needs to be renamed before it is storage vMotioned
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