Title: There are no storage spaces/logical logs to backup/restore
Date: 09/2010
Product & Version: NVBU any
OS Version: Any
Module & Version: Informix Plugin
Application version: Any
While performing Informix restore. We start restore by '# onbar -r -p' and get following error in bar_act.log:
2010-08-31 12:13:54 655810 483490 /home/adm/informix/10/bin/onbar_d -r -p
2010-08-31 12:13:54 655810 483490 Working with nvinfx as generic storage manager.
2010-08-31 12:13:54 655810 483490 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2010-08-31 12:13:55 655810 483490 XBSA Error: (BSAGetObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2010-08-31 12:13:55 655810 483490 Object information: bar_objdesc
obj_id 0 obj_name 'rootdbs' obj_type 'R' act_id 23 act_type 2 act_status 0
act_start '2010-08-31 12:13:54' act_end '2010-08-31 12:10:18'
ins_time 0 rsam_time 60654 seal_time 1283249418 prev_seal_time 1283248366 level 0 copyid hi:lo 446504:1283249419 req_act_id 23
logstream 0 est_pages hi:lo 0:0 first_log 16 chpt_log 16 last_log 0
partial_flag 0 do_query 0 ins_sm_id 0 ins_sm_name ''
ins_verify 0 ins_verify_date '' restore order 0:0
objInfo ''
retry 0 in_catalog 0 in_bootfile 0 child_pid 0 child_state 0
bkup_host ''
2010-08-31 12:14:05 655810 483490 There are no storage spaces/logical logs to backup/restore.
2010-08-31 12:14:10 655810 483490 (-43140) Due to the previous error, logical restore will not be attempted.
2010-08-31 12:14:10 655810 483490 /home/adm/informix/10/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 147 (0x93)
Checked NetVault logs and requested object - rootdbs with ID hi:lo 446504:1283249419 was backed up successfully.
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