Title:INTERNAL- Scheduled jobs failing to start but still showing as scheduled in the past
Date: 22/05/2007
NV Version: ALL
OS Version: Windows
Application version: N/A
Plugin version: N/A
This article describes the situation whereby the scheduler fails to launch scheduled jobs. It also explains the process behind the Schedule Manager operation, the way the Schedule database is populated and consulted and the impact it could have on the scheduled events.
In job Management, the jobs still appear in blue and even have their next scheduled date and time in the past.
This behaviour has been noticed almost for all instances under Windows (2000 and 2003).
There are plenty of factors that could influence this but basically it all comes down to the Schedule Manager process itself.
The Schedule Manager is designed to get the list of scheduled jobs and constantly checking it for scheduled events to reflect the current time.
If the last check ret
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