Date - 05/2008
Affected Product Version - Netvault 7.4.5 and newer.
Affected Module & Version - File System 7.0.33
OS Version - Windows 2003
Application Information - n/a
A Windows Volume Mount point allows you to mount storage to a folder instead of assigning it to a drive letter. If you try to restore data backed up from one of these Volume Mount points to another computer where the mount point doesn't exist, the restore will fail.
Symptoms: When selecting the Windows Volume mount folder for restore and submitting it, the job runs and completes but there are several warning messages stating the x amount of files could not be restored. If you view the log context information by double clicking on the Yellow warning messages you will find the files selected to be restored could not complete.
Example Warning messages;
Warning 2008/05/27 18:15:09 1068 Data Plugin <Servername> 6 items and their contents could not be restored
Log Context.
F:\Test\ADMIN : The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\Test\CODE : The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\Test\CPA_FLVs : The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\Test\CPE : The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\Test\CPE0734Software : The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\Test\CPE5594 : The system cannot find the path specified.
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