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Upgrading NetVault Backup 9.2 to the 10 version failed with a 'The folder path 'NetVault/db' contains an invalid character' error.
Since NVBU 10.x is a completely new software and now has a PostgreSQL NVDB, you have to make sure that all the pre and post installation steps have been performed, otherwise NVBU will not function correctly. The NVBU 10 Installation Users Guide is on the following link:
The following pre and post steps were performed, but unfortunately didn't resolve the issue:
1] Make sure that all relevant prerequisites have been perform from section Chapter 3 (pages 15-17) of the NVBU 10.0.1 Installation Guide. 2] Make sure that all platform specific requirements are also done from section Chapter 3 (pages 17-21) of the NVBU 10.0.1 Installation Guide. 3] Make sure that all relevant platform specific post installation requirements are done in Chapter 6 of the NVBU 10.0.1 Installation Guide (Pages 40-42).
Whilst logged in as a Domain Administrator and the AntiVirus Software was disabled, the upgrade from NVBU 9.2 to the 10 version failed with the following error message:
The folder path 'NetVault/db' contains an invalid character.
The NetVault logs shows the following error:
Error 2014/05/21 09:52:05 0 System ITPBCK206 Failed to initialize CLI session with Scheduler when adding canned reports. Does user have the required privileges?
Trace files confirms the following messages and errors…
CLI Proxy: 2 AUDCONCT ??? 720 1 0 85157692076 Connected to auditor on 'ITPBCK206' 2 CLIPROXY ??? 720 31 0 85157692076 Cli connected to the auditor 0 AUDLOGON ??? 720 4 0 85157692076 Logon user 'default' failed 0 CLIPROXY ??? 720 37 0 85157692076 Failed to validate logon to the target process
Canned Reports: 2 CLISESS ??? 3428 16 0 85205398488 using the default account 2 CLISESS ??? 3428 17 0 85205398488 using the default password 2 CLISESS ??? 3428 4 0 85205398488 Sent CLI_PROXY_LOGON_REQUEST_MSG 2 CLISESS ??? 3428 5 0 85205398488 Got a CLI_PROXY_LOGON_REPLY_MSG 0 CLISESS ??? 3428 6 0 85205398488 Failed to logon: ' 0 NVADDCAN ??? 3428 9 0 85205398488 Failed to initialize CLI session to scheduler - 'Failed to logon: ''
Auditor: 2 AUDCLISE ??? 2712 1 0 85205382889 CLI Proxy started ok... 2 AVPMAIN ??? 2712 4 0 85205398488 Hello! (174:'ITPBCK206') 2 AUDUSROP ??? 2712 29 0 85205398488 Found matching account name - UID = '0' 2 LICENSE ??? 2712 117 0 85205398488 Loaded capabilities for license serial #44188 2 AUDUSROP ??? 2712 30 0 85205398488 User is local only = 'FALSE', logon was from 'ITPBCK206' 2 AUDUSROP ??? 2712 35 0 85205398488 AudLogon(default) = 'FALSE' 2 AUDIT ??? 2712 35 0 85205398488 AudGetAuditFileName = 'C:\BakBone\NetVault\db\audit.bin' 2 AUDUSROP ??? 2712 26 0 85205398488 Sending authorisation to source (00000000) 2 AVPMAIN ??? 2712 17 0 85205414088 Received PMGR_PROCESS_DIED_MSG 2 AUDEVENT ??? 2712 170 0 85205414088 Event subsystem process died handler entered 2 AVPMAIN ??? 2712 17 0 85310169802 Received PMGR_PROCESS_DIED_MSG
NVSH: 2 NVSH ??? 3312 171 0 85225616125 Updated value for variable 'DB_DIR' to 'C:\BakBone\NetVault/db' 2 NVSH ??? 3312 7 0 85225616125 -- Depth 1 Executing TRUE Type 0 Lines 102 2 NVSH ??? 3312 60 0 85225616125 NVSHLineType('#') 2 NVSH ??? 3312 60 0 85225616125 NVSHLineType('# Verify variables etc to decide if the installation should go ahead') 2 NVSH ??? 3312 60 0 85225616125 NVSHLineType(' echo Error - Machine name contains invalid characters')
Which confirms the original error:
The folder path 'NetVault/db' contains an invalid character.
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