NOTES: It is highly recommended that Desktop Authority:
User Account Permission Requirements
For use with Desktop Authority services:
Installation of Desktop Authority 9.x:
1. Download the installation file and documentation Here.
2. Run the installation file.
3. The first screen reports if the machine has the recommended hardware installed.
4. Accept the EULA.
5. Welcome to Desktop Authority 9.x: This will display the prerequisites that need to be installed. Click on the Install button for those that still need to be installed.
6. License Information: Browse to your license file (register.ini) which will populate the fields, or continue in Evaluation mode after entering the User Name and Company Name.
7. Database Information: Prompts to install a local instance of Microsoft SQL. This option will download and install an instance of SQL on the same server called ServerName\DesktopAuthority. If this option is selected enter and “SA” password. Otherwise, select “Use an existing SQL Server Instance” and browse out to the SQL server\Instance name to be used. Select Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication, which requires the ‘SA’ Password.
8. File Locations: The path where the Desktop Authority Manager files are going to be installed is displayed. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Desktop Authority\Desktop Authority Manager. Select “Browse” to select another location if needed.
9. Desktop Authority Services: Enter a username/password for the Desktop Authority Operations Service and the Desktop Authority Manager Service. The credentials for these services should be part of the Domain Admins security group. Select “Browse” or enter the account in the Domain\Username format. The same account can be used for both services.
10. User or Group: Enter a user or group that would be designated as Super Users and have full access to the Desktop Authority Management console.
11. Website Configuration: Enter the IIS Application pool Identity username and password. Also, select the virtual directories where the Desktop Authority Management console web pages will be hosted. NOTE: It is recommended that Desktop Authority be installed to its own instance of IIS to avoid potential conflicts with other web applications.
12. Certificate Selection: Select whether to use an existing Security Certificate or let Desktop Authority create a new self-signed certificate. This will be used for secure communication over SSL.
13. Review: Click “Install” to begin the installation process. Track the progress of the installation.
14. Installation completed: Once the installation is complete select “Finish” and the Desktop Authority Manager console will open. Check the “Use Windows logon” or type in credentials to open the Desktop Authority Manager.
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