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After creating and migrating a base, interim, and final archive set, a typical migration path may look like this:
The sample migration path above shows:
Flags appear to the right of environment graphics and indicate that an archive set was created in that environment. Flags include ‘B’ for base, ‘I’ for interim, and ‘F’ for final. If multiple interim archive sets were created in an environment, only one ‘I’ flag is shown.
When you migrate an interim archive set, the environment graphic appears half full, and the color changes. When you migrate the final archive set, the environment graphic appears full and the color changes again. Migrating the final archive set fills up both the source and target environments. Also, the graphic for the source environment of the final archive set reads “final src.”
When you migrate an archive set, the line linking the two environment changes color accordingly. When you migrate the base archive set to the Development environment from the Base environment, a curved arc links the two environment graphics.
The Migration Details window displays information regarding all the archive set migrations into the selected environment. To open the Migration Details window, double-click on an environment graphic in the Migration Path tab, or right-click on an environment tree node in the Archive Sets tab and select View Migration Status.
When you open the Migration Details window by double-clicking an environment, the window shows information regarding all the migrations that have targeted that environment.
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