Creating Task
Creating Task
No information is entered into this screen. This screen reports progress as the wizard creates the task defined on the preceding Configuration Summary screen.
When the task-creation process is complete, the wizard clears this screen and runs the newly created task.
Specify Task Schedule
Specify Task Schedule
This screen lets you specify when to run the task you have created—immediately, or at some later time.
NOTE: The Manage Scheduled Operations screen manages the scheduling of task runs as saved in the SQL database. Scheduled tasks are run by the Task Scheduler, as explained in chapter 13 of the Migrator forNotestoExchangeAdministrationGuide. The Task Scheduler checks the SQL database to see whether any tasks have been scheduled to run since the last check, and runs any such tasks it finds. See chapter 13 for more information about the Task Scheduler. |
The drop-down list at the top of the screen offers these scheduling options:
Now on this computer: The wizard runs the task as soon as you click Next. The other scheduling controls on the screen appear grayed out (unavailable), since they do not apply. Click Next to display the Task Progress screen.
One or more times, as indicated below: The task runs one or more times, according to your entries in the scheduling controls. If you select this option you must specify where and when you want the task to run in the scheduling controls.
Manually: The task will not run or be scheduled at all. The other scheduling controls on the screen appear grayed out (unavailable), since they do not apply. Click Next to display the Schedule Summary screen.
Once: The task runs only once and will not repeat. You can specify where to run and the start date and time.
Theseschedulingcontrolsareenabledonlyif Oneormoretimes...isselectedinthedrop-down list:
Days of the Week: Specify one or more days of the week that you want the task to run. If you select two or more days, the first task run will occur on the first selected day occurring on or after the specified Start date.
Between [ ] and [ ]: Specify the beginning and ending times of a range of start times for the task to run.
Select one of these options for the end date:
▫ No end date: The task runs will adhere to this schedule until someone manually ends the series by editing this schedule definition in Notes Migration Manager (in the Manage Scheduled Operations screen).
▫ End afteroccurrences: The task runs will adhere to this schedule until the cumulative number of runs matches the number specified here.
▫ End by: The task runs will adhere to this schedule until the calendar date specified here
[_] Start this task only after completing: [ ]: Select this check box if you want this new task to run only after some other previously defined task has run. If you select the check box, use the drop-down list to specify which previously defined task must precede this one.
Task Progress
Task Progress
No information is entered into this screen. The screen reports the program's progress as it performs the defined task. You can click Cancel to cancel the task before it completes.
When the process is complete, the program displays its Task Completed screen to report the results.
Task Completed
Task Completed
No information is entered into this screen. The screen reports the results of the task run.
This screen can display an Error Log Report button if the program encountered errors during its run. If the Error Log Report button appears, click it to view the program log and assess the severity of the errors. The Error Log Report button launches the MNE Log Viewer utility (see The Log Viewer chapter) to help you interpret and resolve the errors.
When you are finished, click Exit.