This command schedules a Records processing job for a specified profile.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
This example schedules an archiving metadata processing job to run immediately.
Set-MigrateRecordsJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
This command schedules a Holds processing job for a specified profile.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
This example schedules an archiving metadata processing job to run immediately.
Set-MigrateHoldsJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
This command schedules a backup Sync Job for a specified profile. This job backs up the endpoint(s) of the profile.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED
·SchedType : The type of schedule to use when setting up this job. Valid values are OneTime, Minute, Daily, and Weekly. If not specified, the timer job will run immediately.
·DayOfWeek (dow): The day of the week to run the job when the schedule type is set to Weekly.
·Minutes: A number between 1 and 59 that represents how often the timer job should be run.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time. The time portion is used to set the start time for Daily and Weekly jobs. It is required for updating existing Daily and Weekly jobs.
·JobEndDate (enddate): The end date/time. Not used for OneTime jobs. The time portion is used to set the end time for Minute, Daily and Weekly jobs. It is required for updating existing Daily and Weekly jobs.
·JobRole (JobServerRole): Values allowed: Controller, Standalone
·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
This example schedules an backup sync Job to run immediately.
Set-BackupSyncJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
This examples sets the job up to run every 30 minutes
Set-BackupSyncJob p MainProfile1 -schedtype minute -minutes 30
This command allows the Content Migrator Job to run immediately or be scheduled. When run, it will move blobs to the endpoint as expected. The Content Migrator job is scheduled to run every 5 minutes, by default. This can be used to update various parameters.
·RunEveryMinutes (runevery): A number between 1 and 59 that represents how often the timer job should be run.
·ScheduledTime : Set scheduled timeframe in format time. For example: 15:00-22:00.
·JobServer (jobsrv): Server name to run the job.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), status email will be sent to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther: Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to receive status emails. (optional)
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then the job runs immediately. This setting ignores any scheduling options provided. This may be necessary to override current scheduled jobs.
·JobRole: Values allowed: Controller, Standalone
·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.
·IncludeLargeFiles (ilf): Set the flag to include the large files options.
Example to run the job immediately.
Set-ContentMigratorJob RunNow
Set job Properties as RunEveryMinutes, ScheduleTime
Set-ContentMigratorJob runevery 45 scheduledtime 15:00-20:00 -ilf yes
Set job Properties as EmailDefault, threads, NotificationEmailOther
Set-ContentMigratorJob jobsrv SERVERNAME threads 15 EmailDefault NotificationEmailOther
Set-ContentMigratorJob jobsrv SERVERNAME threads 15 EmailDefault NotificationEmailOther -JobRole Controller
Run Content Migrator Job with additional Parameters
Set-ContentMigratorJob jobsrv SERVERNAME threads 15 EmailDefault NotificationEmailOther -RunNow
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