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Spotlight on Oracle 10.5 - Getting Started Guide

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Summary Page

The Memory | Summary page summarizes recent memory usage.

To open the Summary page

  1. Select the Spotlight on Windows connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Memory | Summary.

Charts on the Summary page


  • Every chart has a legend (list of symbols) to its right that describes the various series (line graphs) on the chart.
  • Click an item in the legend to highlight its series (line) in the chart. Click a second time to return the series to its normal appearance.
  • Move the mouse pointer over an item in the legend to view the current value for that series within the chart.
Chart Description
Physical Memory

The Physical Memory chart shows how much physical memory (RAM) Windows is using.

Physical memory usage will normally remain close to the total amount of physical memory installed on the system unless the amount of physical memory you have exceeds the amount of virtual memory that Windows is using. Windows normally keeps some physical memory available (free) for immediate reuse.

Virtual Memory The total amount of memory in use by the program. This includes Physical Memory and space in the paging file. A steady increase in virtual memory usage can indicate that a process on the system has a memory leak.

Shows the rate at which pages are being swapped in and out of memory. The chart displays two data series:

  • Page ins — The Page Ins value includes hard pages (paging requests that have to go to the paging file on disk) NOT soft pages (requests for memory pages that are not in the program's working set, but still in memory).
  • Page outs — The Page Outs value provides the number of write requests to the paging file on disk.

A sustained high rate of paging can cause problems with overall system degradation due to disk thrashing and CPU load.

Physical Memory Usage

The Physical Memory Usage chart shows how Windows is using physical memory.

It displays the following data series:




Available physical memory not currently in use.


Memory being used by Windows processes. This will normally be the largest area by a significant degree.


Memory being used by the Windows kernel.

File Cache

Memory that Windows is using to cache disk files in order to speed reads and writes.


Related Topics

Related Documents
Spotlight on Oracle - 10.5
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
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