From a licensing perspective, is it possible to install each tool on a different computer?" ... Yes, that is possible. ... Please run the Toad for Oracle installer in both computers and select the tools you want to install on each one of them.
It is noticed that the Spotlight Query below is run a lot of times on the server. ... What is this query for? ... SELECT l.latch#, l.gets, l.misses, l.sleeps, l.immediate_gets, l.spin_gets, COUNT ( * ) n_latches
Does Spotlight on oracle supports autonomous Database monitoring? ... An autonomous database is a cloud database that uses machine learning to automate database tuning, security, backups, updates, and other routine management tasks traditionally performed by DBAs.
Customers report certain dashboard do not show a save icon and wonder how to export the diagram graphs. ... The only way export the graph is to take a screenshot from outside the application.
Customers inquire about why spotlight on oracle does not run as a service and if its possible to run it automatically from windows startup. ... Spotlight on Oracle is an application, not designed to run in the background as a service.
1.Select View | Options. ... 2.Select Alarms and Notifications | E-mail server. ... 3. Select the method that you want Spotlight to use when sending email ... Service Description ... Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) A standard Windows interface that you can use to send e-mail.
While trying to connect to a database the following error occur: ... This user may have been configured for an earlier version of Spotlight on Oracle (RAC), or Spotlight on Oracle (RAC) may not be installed.
User is seeing too many alarms from Spotlight, even though the database is not having any abnormal activity. ... The initial calibration period was too short, meaning Spotlight did not calibrate an accurate picture of "normal" database activity.
Backup {Spotlight on Oracle folder}\Console\Templates\SoU.STX to another folder (make sure it is backed up to a folder outside Spotlight folders)</div><div>3. ... Copy the attached file to this folder;</div><div>4.
Spotlight on Oracle does not support the use of the IFILE parameter in tnsnames.ora. ... WORKAROUND ... User can commenting the IFILE path in the tnsnames.ora by following, and relaunch the Spotlight on Oracle.
Error received when running an Explain Plan on certain queries in Spotlight on Oracle. ... ORA-01039:Insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view" ... a. 'Certain' SYS-owned views that begin with x$, v$, or DBA_% cannot be explained even if the user is logged in as a DBA or SYS account.
The freeze occurs when connecting to SoO as a stand alone or when connecting to SoO from SoRAC with the OS option, ... The problem query appears to be "GetTNSadmin" which never completes its operation and therefore hangs the SoO connection.
Error received while connecting to database: ... User is trying to connect to Spotlight with a non Spotlight user. ... Enter and connect to Spotlight on Oracle with a Spotlight's user: ... 1. Launch Spotlight.
This error usually occurs when there is a 10g client with other multiple Oracle homes on the client PC whether these are known to exist or not. ... Sometimes the Oracle clients are not removed completely and Spotlight detects them in the registry.
Spotlight installed on a cluster with loading balancing will give the following error when connecting: ... "This profile appears to have load balancing set on. ... It cannot be diagnosed due to potential problems with failover"
When connecting Spotlight on Oracle to a database and setting the connection details to connect to the Operating System of a Linux computer, it does not show any OS details. ... The connection is being made via an ssh connection where Public/Private keys are required to be entered to gain access.
Error encountered when trying to add a new connection: ... Message: An unexpected problem has occurred It is recommended that you send a support bundle to Quest. ... Click "Show details..." for more information about the problem.
Error received when making a connectation to an Oracle 10.2 from Spotlight on Oracle 4.0.2: ... 1. Oracle client 10.2 is required for Oracle 10.2. ... 2. Recreate the connection from Spotlight connection properties after ensuring Oracle Home and Tnsname entry is set correctly.
When upgrading to the latest version of Spotlight on Oracle, I encounter a message to upgrade the Spotlight user account via the Oracle User Wizard prior to connecting to the database. ... When I attempt to upgrade the Spotlight user account via the Oracle User wizard by selecting "Reconfigure <userName> for use with Spotlight", the following error occurs:
Can Spotlight on Oracle configure non-installing user to use existing objects, for example, Tables, views, etc? ... No, Spotlight on Oracle will create a new set of objects when configuring non-installing user to connect to it.
While trying to open a database connection the following error occurred: The following error occurred while connecting to "connection name" ORA-12154 - TNS:could not resolve service name ... The sqlnet.ora parameter NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH was set to ONAMES.
Queries taking too long to run may cause performance issues. ... This is due to setting optimizer_mode=first_rows for all queries using v$parameter ... Setting optimizer_mode=first_rows, causes all queries using v$parameter to take a long time.
"Oracle client you're using is not reliable when connecting to a 10g we recommend you upgrade to oracle 10g release 2..." ... B) Trying to connect Spotlight on Oracle to Oracle 10gR2 database with earlier version than Oracle client 10gR2.
Getting "The following error occurred Error 32: The process cannot access the file as this is already used by another" when using Spotlight on Oracle RAC. ... The problem is being caused by the virus scanner running on your desktop.
when configure the monitoring for a RAC DB, it displayed "the template file xxx could not be found <span></span> <p>WORKAROUND</p><p><span>1.Open Spotlight folder ..\Spotlight for Oracle 10.9.0\Console\Template</span><br><span>2.Copy and paste SpotlightOnOracle.stx in the same folder;</span><br><span>3.Rename the new file "SpotlightOnOracle - Copy.stx" to " SpotlightOnOracle_CHS.stx "</span><br><span>4.Open the RAC connection.</span></p><p><span>STATUS:</span><br><br><span>Waiting for fix in a future release of Spotlight on RAC/Spotlight on Oracle.</span></p> TMB-3637
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