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DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help
The Local Workgroup Users (CIFS) page is displayed.
The Create a local workgroup user for CIFS authentication dialog is displayed.
In User Name, enter a valid user name for this user.
In Password, enter a valid password for this user.
Click Add CIFS User to create the new user in the Local Workgroup Users for the system (or click Cancel to return to the Local Workgroup Users (CIFS) page).
An Added CIFS user confirmation dialog is displayed when successful.
To edit an existing CIFS user in this local workgroup of users, click Select to identify the user in the Local Workgroup Users summary table that you want to modify, and click Edit in the option bar.
The Edit a local workgroup user for CIFS authentication dialog is displayed.
In Password, enter a different valid password for this user.
You cannot modify the User Name for this user, you can only modify the Password. If you want a user with a different User Name, you must delete this user and create a new user with the desired User Name.
Click Edit CIFS User to modify the password for existing user in the Local Workgroup Users for the system (or click Cancel to return to the Local Workgroup Users (CIFS) page).
To delete an existing CIFS user from the local workgroup of users, click Select to identify the user in the Local Workgroup Users summary table that you want to delete, and click Delete in the option bar.
The Delete user confirmation dialog is displayed.
Click OK to delete the selected user from the Local Workgroup Users summary table (or click Cancel to return to the Local Workgroup Users (CIFS) page).
A Deleted CIFS user confirmation dialog is displayed when successful.

Configuring Email Alert Settings

Configuring Email Alert Settings

You can create and manage recipient email addresses for users to which you want to send DR Series system email alerts. The Email Alerts page contains options that let you add new, edit or delete existing recipient email addresses, and send a test message to the recipient email addresses listed in the Recipient Email Address pane.

NOTE: The Email Alerts page contains all the options you need for managing the recipient email addresses and testing the send message capability.

Adding a Recipient Email Address

Adding a Recipient Email Address

To configure and add a new recipient email address, complete the following:

Select System Configuration > Email Alerts.
The Email Alerts page is displayed.
Click Add on the options bar.
The Add Recipient Email Address dialog is displayed.
In Email Address, type a valid email address using the address format that your email system supports.
Click Submit to configure the recipient email address (or click Cancel to display the Email Alerts page).
The Email Alerts page is displayed, and an Added email recipient dialog is displayed when successful.

Editing or Deleting a Recipient Email Address

Editing or Deleting a Recipient Email Address

To edit or delete an existing recipient email address:

Select System Configuration→ Email Alerts.
The Email Alerts page is displayed.
NOTE: To edit or delete an existing recipient email address, you must first click Select in the Recipient Email Address pane to indicate the address that you want to edit or delete. To edit an existing email address, proceed to step 2, or to delete an existing email address, skip to step 4. For more information about adding email recipients, see Adding a Recipient Email Address.
To edit an existing recipient email address, click Select to indicate the recipient email address entry that you want to change, and click Edit on the options bar.
The Edit Recipient Email Address dialog is displayed.
The Email Alerts page is displayed, and a Successfully updated email recipient dialog is displayed when successful. To edit additional recipient email addresses, repeat steps 2 and 3.
To delete an existing recipient email address, click Select to indicate the recipient email address entry that you want to delete, and click Delete on the options bar.
The Delete Confirmation dialog is displayed.
Click OK to delete the selected email recipient address (or click Cancel to display the Email Alerts page).
The Email Alerts page is displayed, and a Deleted email recipient dialog is displayed when successful. To delete additional recipient email addresses, repeat steps 4 and 5.
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Release Notes
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