Enables Stage 2 migration for container.
Enable-ASStage2 [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [-ContainerMappingId] <int> [<CommonParameters>]
The Enable-ASStage2 cmdlet enables Stage 2 for a specified Container Mapping. After the command is executed, the mapping can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Enable-ASStage2 -ContainerMappingId 1
Get-ASMappings | Enable-ASStage2
Stage2 was enabled for ContainerMappingId 2
Stage2 was enabled for ContainerMappingId 3
Stage2 was enabled for ContainerMappingId 1
Starts retry failed items.
Start-ASRetryFailedItems [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-ContainerMappingId] <int[]> [[-Type] <ImportExportTypeEnum>] [[-RetryableFailed] <SwitchParameter>] [[-PermanentlyFailed] <SwitchParameter>] [[-Hanging] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASRetryFailedItems command retries failed (retryable, permanent) or hanging items for specified container mapping. This actions can be defined for export, import or both. In case there is no definition within command of what should be retried, then everything available is applied for whole container mapping. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Start-ASRetryFailedItems -ContainerMappingId 1 -Type Export -RetryableFailed -Hanging |
/* Retires exported retryable failed and hanging items for specified mapping */ |
Get-ASMappings -All | Start-ASRetryFailedItems -Type Both |
/* Retries all types of exported and imported items (retryable, permanently failed and hanging) for all existing mappings */ |
Delete container mapping.
Remove-ASContainerMapping [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-ContainerMapping] [<int[]>] -IncludeItemData] [<SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
The Remove-ASContainerMapping cmdlet removes container mapping (migration). Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Remove-ASContainerMapping -ContainerMappingId 1 Remove-ASContainerMapping -ContainerMappingId 1 -IncludeItemData |
/* Deletes specified single mapping */ /* Deletes specified mapping with all related data in Item database */ |
Remove-ASContainerMapping -ContainerMappingId 1,2,3,4,5 -IncludeItemData Get-ASMappings -First 5 | Remove-ASContainerMapping |
/* Deletes specified mappings */ /* First gets list of mappings and then deletes it */ |
Add new mapping configuration template.
Add-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-Name] <string> [[-Description] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate cmdlet creates new Container Mapping Configuration Template and returns it. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Add-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate -Name NAME01 -Description DESC01 |
/* Creates mapping template */ |
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