Get Archive Shuttle Office 365 leavers configuration.
Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-LinkId] <Guid>] [[-LinkName] <string>] [[-SettingType] <Office365MailboxProvisioningSettingType>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration cmdlet gets the Office 365 leavers configuration. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration |
/* Retrieves all available Leavers configuration settings for all O365 links */ |
Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration -LinkName "O365" Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration -SettingType Leavers |
/* Gets leavers configuration of specific O365 link */ /* Gets all "Standard Leavers" configurations */ |
Gets list of available modules.
Get-ASModule [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-ModuleId] <Guid>] [[-ModuleType] <ModuleTypeEnum>] [[-ComputerName] <string>] [[-Is64bit] <bool>] [[-CustomSchedule] <bool>] [[-IsActive] <bool>] [[-TimeToNextSchedule] <bool>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASModule cmdlet gets a list of available Modules. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASModule -ModuleId "47d0ccbe-7638-e611-813a-005056b84ed8" |
Get-ASModule -ModuleType EVExport| Format-List ModuleId,ComputerName,ServiceName |
/* Retrieves all Enterprise Vault Export modules with filtered list of three columns */ |
Get-ASModule-ModuleTypeADCollector| Where-Object {$_.DomainName -eq "domain1"} |
/* Retrieves all Active Directory Collector modules for domain1 */ (new result property added in 7.7) |
Get-ASModule -CustomSchedule 1 -IsActive 1 |
/* Retrieves only modules with custom schedule which are currently active */ |
Get-ASModule | Where-Object {($_.isStopped -eq 'True') -and ($_.LastStoppedDateUTC -like '*2020*')}| Start-ASModule |
/*Retrieves only stopped modules from specific year and start these modules */ |
Set module.
Set-ASModule [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-ModuleId] <Guid[]> [[-IsPerformanceStatisticsEnabled] <bool>] [[-DoUpdateModule] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-ASModule cmdlet set module. After the command is executed, the module version can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Set-ASModule -ModuleId ffed0c15-69e9-e811-8392-005056982247 -DoUpdateModule Set-ASModule -ModuleId ffed0c15-69e9-e811-8392-005056982247,aaed0c15-69e9-e811-8392-005056982247 -DoUpdateModule |
/* Sets column DoUpdate = TRUE in dbo.Module table */ /* Sets column DoUpdate = TRUE in dbo.Module table for array of modules */ | |
Set-ASModule -ModuleId ffed0c15-69e9-e811-8392-005056982247 -IsPerformanceStatisticsEnabled 1 |
/* Enables performance statistics collection for specified module */ | |
Get-ASModule | Set-ASModule -DoUpdateModule Get-ASModule | Set-ASModule -IsPerformanceStatisticsEnabled 1 |
/* Sets column DoUpdate = TRUE in dbo.Module table for all retrieved modules */ /* Enables performance statistics collection for all retrieved modules */ |
Sets module log level.
Set-ASModuleLogLevel [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-ModuleId] <Guid[]> [-CoreLogLevel] <LogLevelEnum> [-ModuleLogLevel] <LogLevelEnum> [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-ASModuleLogLevel cmdlet sets module log level. After the command is executed, the module log level can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Set-ASModuleLogLevel -ModuleId "434b9603-1ab9-e511-80e6-005056b82cc9" -CoreLogLevel Trace -ModuleLogLevel Trace |
/* Sets TRACE level for specified module logs */ |
Get-ASModule -ModuleType Office365Import | Set-ASModuleLogLevel -CoreLogLevel Trace -ModuleLogLevel Trace |
/* Sets TRACE level for all Office365 modules logs */ |
Get-ASModule | Set-ASModuleLogLevel -CoreLogLevel Trace -ModuleLogLevel Trace |
/* Sets TRACE level for all existing modules logs */ |
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