The list below are the typical places related to InTrust functionality where the account username\password may be stored and require updating. With that said, the account may have been used elsewhere outside typical InTrust objects and be difficult to track down in some situations.
1 )Com+ objects contained in Component Services
Administrative Tools under Component Services | Computers | My Computer | Com+ Applications
-Quest AD Browse component
-Quest Alerting Profile
-Quest Database Browse Component
Under Properties Select the "Identity" tab.
2) Services (Quest InTrust Server + Quest InTrust Real-time Monitoring). Select the "Log on" tab.
Stop Quest InTrust server Service (it will stop all services) then start Quest InTrust Real-time Monitoring (this will start all services). Quickly tests our credentials here are now valid.
3) Any sites\jobs\reporting job using stored credentials and not "job account"
A) Via InTrust Manager check Site properties "Accounts" tab. Makes sure all are "Task Account" and "Local System". If any show specified account consider using the above or re-enter the credentials to be sure.
B) Under Workflow | Tasks check any scheduled jobs that they are using "Server Account". If using anything else consider changing to the above or re-enter the credentials.
C) Any specific job within a task can be set to use specified credentials. Generally there is no requirement to make such a change however in this case it would be worth checking scheduled tasks for any jobs configured to use specified credentials instead of "Task Account"
D) Any scheduled report jobs. Verify that the credentials used to access the report are correct. This is on the "Reporting" tab and then select "Credentials". Consider re-entering
the account password here as well if configured in this fashion.
E) Any "Shared Datasources" in SQL Reporting Services which use "Stored Credentials". These can be checked via Quest Knowledge Portal (QKP) website. Once loaded navigate to the datasource area in the lower left. Check the datasource properties to view connection settings to validate if the password should be updated.