Please note that GPOADmin never changes / sets settings in GPOs at all, this is all done through GPEdit when editing a GPO. GPOADmin will only take and apply backups of GPOs never altering settings. If the settings are incorrect in the GPO, or being applied incorrectly, then this is an issue outside of GPOAdmin and need to be dealt by Microsoft as they control GPO settings and their processing through GPMC. We cannot recommend settings or how they should be used as GPOADmin does not interact with settings and this is outside of our control.
One note here is that if you seeing behavior inconsistent with Windows OS versions, please remind that GPOADmin will use the version of GPMC that is on the host machine of the GPOADmin server when making and applying backups. Thus if you seeing issues with Windows 2016 and newer settings, you should ensure that GPOADmin is installed on a host that is at least Windows 2016. Note that this is bound to the GPMC version on the OS where GPOADmin is installed, and this is not something that GPOADmin can control in any way.