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Safeguard for Sudo 7.4 and Privilege Manager for Unix 7.4 require a new license. (4378405)

The new releases of Safeguard for Sudo 7.4 and Privilege Manager for Unix 7.4 require a new license to be installed after the upgrade. ... NOTE: It is important to have the license ready before upgrading because it must be installed immediately to avoid an interruption.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 13/02/2025
NA rating | 464 vues
Knowledge Article
My Licensing - Self Service Key Upgrade (4279090)

To upgrade a license key, first, ensure your product is registered on the Support Portal. ... Directions to register can be found here:

Produit(s): Defender, One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords, One Identity...
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/05/2024
4 rating | 11645 vues
Knowledge Article
How do I view logs and audit users ? (4295637)

How do I view logs and audit users ? ... Commands can be replayed by an administrator using the “pmreplay” utility. ... The input and output of commands executed with Privilege Manager are stored within the “iologs” directory and are organised by profile, user and command by default.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/04/2024
NA rating | 3172 vues
Knowledge Article
My Licensing - Self Service Key Retrieval and Key Refresh (4282600)

To retrieve or refresh a license key, first, ensure your product is registered on the Support Portal. ... Directions to register can be found here:

Produit(s): Defender, NetVault, One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords, One...
Dernière mise à jour le: 12/03/2024
2 rating | 13968 vues
Knowledge Article
How to run a backtrace on a core file? (4267310)

How to run a backtrace on a core file? ... After a segfault or process crash you may need to obtain more information. ... Backtraces can provide more detailed information. ... When a core file happens, Tech support will need a back trace of the core file.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard Authentication Services, Safeguard...
Dernière mise à jour le: 13/03/2024
NA rating | 9093 vues
Knowledge Article
Can Ansible be used to configure and join Safeguard Authentication Services (SAS). (4265572)

Is there guidance/samples/best-practices for automating vastool join during Linux build automation via Ansible playbook. ... The Ansible tools are an open source project and are not supported by One Identity Support.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard Authentication Services, Safeguard...
Dernière mise à jour le: 27/02/2024
NA rating | 5737 vues
Knowledge Article
Management Console for Unix End Of LIfe (4283832)

Support for Management Console for Unix will reach end of life on Nov 1, 2021. ... Therefore, the MCU will enter limited support for all versions on April 1, 2021. ... Support for all versions will reach end of life on Nov 1, 2021.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard Authentication Services, Safeguard...
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/01/2024
NA rating | 4269 vues
Knowledge Article
How to recreate the pmevents.db file if it becomes corrupt (4276409)

How to recreate the pmevents.db file if it becomes corrupt. ... If the pmevents.db file becomes corrupt, then you may need to recreate it. ... Use the following command to check the database file:

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/11/2023
NA rating | 4404 vues
Knowledge Article
Error message in pmlogsrvd.log " Oct 28 20:02:45 12352 E: Unable to insert event UID[93edd453ef7c2bf4e4486a2d75b26d088a356f4a]. Event log /var/opt/quest/qpm4u/pmevents.db error: Event caused a constraint violation" (4271413)

Event log /var/opt/quest/qpm4u/pmevents.db error: Event caused a constraint violation" ... The "Unable to insert event" message usually means that there is already an event in the database that has that uniqueid (UID).

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/11/2023
NA rating | 3426 vues
Knowledge Article
What options do I have to recover a failed primary policy server? (4287221)

What options do I have to recover a failed primary policy server? ... What services are lost if the primary policy server crashes? ... If you have secondary policy servers configured in your environment, your Unix agents and sudo plugins will automatically go to the secondary servers for policy evaluation and logging.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/10/2023
NA rating | 3265 vues
Knowledge Article
Getting Assistance with One Identity Open Source GitHub Content (4263328)

One Identity open source projects are supported through One Identity GitHub issues and the One Identity Community. ... This includes all scripts, plugins, SDKs, modules, code snippets or other solutions.

Produit(s): Active Roles, Defender, Identity Manager, Identity Manager Data...
Dernière mise à jour le: 12/10/2023
1 rating | 35643 vues
Knowledge Article
How to upgrade Privilege Manager for Unix (4371703)

How to upgrade Privilege Manager for Unix 1. One Identity highly recommends that you <u><strong>back up</strong></u> data before you attempt to upgrade your existing Privilege Manager for Unix servers.<br>Please see the instructions in <a href="" target="_blank">KB318660</a><br><br>The policy server should be upgraded first before the agents servers.<br><br><br>2. Download the latest Privilege Manager for Unix software from here:<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>The package for the <strong>policy server</strong> is <strong>qpm-server</strong> and will be under the <strong>server/arch</strong> directory in the download<br><br>The package name for the <strong>agent </strong>host is <strong>qpm-agent</strong> and will be under the <strong>agent/arch</strong> directory in the download.<br><br><br>3. Upgrade the Policy server.<br>You can use the operating system package commands to upgrade the policy server, for example:<br><br>Change to the directory containing the qpm-server package for your specific platform.<br>For example, on 64-bit Redhat Linux system, run:<br><strong># cd server/linux-x86_64</strong><br><br>Run the platform specific installer.<br>For example run:<br><strong># rpm --upgrade qpm-server-*.rpm</strong><br><br><br>4. After the policy server is upgraded, you can then upgrade or uninstall and reinstall the agent.<br>After the agent is installed instead of upgraded, you will need to join it to the policy server.<br><br>To upgrade the agent package<br>Change to the directory containing the qpm-agent package for your specific platform.<br>For example on 64bit Redhat Linux system, run:<br><strong># cd agent/linux-x86_64</strong><br><br>Run the platform specific installer.<br>For example, run:<br><strong># rpm --upgrade qpm-plugin*.rpm</strong>

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix
Dernière mise à jour le: 05/06/2023
NA rating | 1376 vues
Knowledge Article
Does Privilege Manager for Sudo have the ability to send logs in CEF format to arclogger HP ArcSight (4261466)

An arclogger (HP ArcSight) server is receiving Privilege Manager for Sudo logs (primarily pmmasterd accept/reject messages). Is it possible to send the logs in <span class="ILfuVd"><span class="e24Kjd">Common Event Format (CEF)? </span></span> <p>No, Privilege Manager for Sudo does not currently have the ability to be able to send logs in CEF format.</p><p>July 2nd, 2019:</p><p>Enhancement Request #802718 has been raised with the product team for consideration of inclusion within a future release of Privilege Manager for Sudo.</p><p></p> 802718

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 698 vues
Knowledge Article
Within MCU, receive error "No Software Available" when trying to install AIX 7 and Solaris Sparc 10 and 11 clients (4233017)

In Management Console for Unix (MCU) version 2.4.2 when trying to install Quest Authentication Services (QAS) or Privilege Manager for Unix/Sudo to servers running AIX 7 and Solaris Sparc 10 and 11 the MCU is reporting that no software is available to install.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard Authentication Services, Safeguard...
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1928 vues
Knowledge Article
Sudo Command cannot be ran in Crontab (4285053)

Privilege Manager for Sudo command does not run in cron. ... The same command can be ran on the command line. ... This can be caused by the command requiring a tty. ... Check the email message produced by cron for the following entry: sudoers: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 2658 vues
Knowledge Article
What platforms are QPMU for Sudo supported on? (4295310)

What platforms are supported for the product QPMU for sudo? <p>The list of supported platform is located on the <strong>Specifications tab</strong> on the following Web page: <a href="" target="_blank">Privilege Manager for Sudo</a></p><p>Please note you must have sudo 1.8 or higher installed. If the operating system&#39;s vendor does not provide sudo 1.8 or higher you can download a copy from the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> site.</p><p>We recommend you run the preflight binary that is located at the root of the download to check the prerequisites: --sudo --policyserver </p><div><p>The above will check hostname resolution is working, connectivity ssh and sudo 1.8+ is installed. </p></div><div></div><div></div><p></p><p>For more information please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank">PM for Sudo Admin Guide</a></p><div></div><p></p>

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1426 vues
Knowledge Article
pmmasterd causing high CPU utilization (4249444)

If a policy server connection is severed while the sudo plugin is still running, the plugin's pmmasterd process could get caught in an execution loop. ... Upgrade to Privilege Manager for Sudo 6.0.0(040)

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 948 vues
Knowledge Article
Support for /etc/sudoers.d include files in Privilege Manager for Sudo (4261538)

May 22nd 2019: As of this writing /etc/sudoers.d include files are not supported by Privilege Manager for Sudo.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1290 vues
Knowledge Article
Does PM for Sudo Support Cross Forest Trusts (4250603)

Does PM for Sudo support cross forest one and two way trusts? <p>PM for Sudo uses local nss.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard Authentication Services, Safeguard...
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1823 vues
Knowledge Article
MCU is unable to connect to PM Policy Server. Clients are not affected. (4263419)

When attempting to use the MCU for modifying policies or review logs Management Console is unable to connect. ... All other operations seem fine. ... On some operating systems this can be a result of password aging where the password essentially expires.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1358 vues
Knowledge Article
Sudo command is asking for a password even when the sudoers entry contains the NOPASSWD option (4285547)

Sudo command is asking for a password even when the sudoers entry contains the NOPASSWD option <p>Check the sudoers entry for the user to determine if there is a run_as user option set instead of ALL.</p><p>For example:<br><strong>User1 ALL=(Admin1) NOPASSWD: ALL</strong></p><p>Here the run_as user has been set to <strong>Admin1</strong></p><p></p><p></p> <p>If a run_as user has been included in the sudoers entry, then you will need to use the &#39;-u&#39; flag with your sudo command.<br><br>E.g the following sudo command would need to be ran when logged on as User1 in the previous sudoers example:<br><strong>sudo -u Admin1 &lt;command&gt;</strong><br><br><br>Note that this is a sudoers configuration issue rather than a Privilege Manager for Sudo issue.</p>

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
1 rating | 5813 vues
Knowledge Article
How to check the policy version number? (4249509)

How to check the policy version number? ... - Production Policy File

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 919 vues
Knowledge Article
Failed to agree an encryption type, initialize a session with pmlocald, initiate session to agent on host, connect to pmlocald (4265384)

When using pmrun the following errors are seen: ... Failed to agree an encryption type ... Failed to initiate session to agent on host ... Failed to connect to pmlocald ... Possibly related to DNS issues: Each Privilege Manager for Unix component needs to be able to perform a forward and reverse lookup of itself and any other component it needs to communicate with.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1307 vues
Knowledge Article
Unable to find authorized command rule that works (4276823)

An application needs to be able to run some commands with root access. ... Some of the commands lines are somewhat complicated such as: ... "sh -c sh /tmp/installer/; EC=$?; rm -rf /tmp/installer; exit $EC"

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 788 vues
Knowledge Article
Is Privilege Manager SELinux aware? (4261114)

There are currently no configurations within the product for SELinux. ... Enhancement ID: 799819 has been raised. ... At the time of this writing there, April 18th, 2019 there is no ETA on this. ... If you require more information regarding ER 799819 please contact your One Identity account representative.

Produit(s): Privilege Manager for Unix, Safeguard for Sudo
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1011 vues
Knowledge Article
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