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Can Archive Manager and SQL Server be installed on the same server? (4371370)

Archive Manager utilizes a SQL Server database to store many of the settings, along with all of the mailbox and mail server data. ... Yes, Archive Manager and SQL Server can be installed on the same server.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 10/10/2024
NA rating | 228 vues
Archive Manager 5.9.5 and later Installation and Upgrade Guide (4372829)

<p>Run the installation command using msiexec /i &quot;ArchiveManagerInstaller.msi&quot; /L*V &quot;Install.log&quot;</p> ... </li><li> ... <p>If the installation encounters a rollback, ensure the installer account has sysadmin privileges in SQL, and disable UAC on the local server.</p>

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 25/03/2024
NA rating | 3334 vues
What is the supported SQL Collation for Archive Manager database? (4300411)

<div>The supported collation setting for Archive Manager is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS</div>

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 563 vues
Is PST Importer tool available in Archive Manager? (4234563)

Starting from Archive Manager 5.1 the PST import tool is no longer ships with Archive Manager. ... This functionality is now available in Recovery Manager for Exchange.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 495 vues
What is the use of Outlook Web Access (OWA) Reconstruction Tool in Archive Manager 5.x? (4281146)

The Outlook Web Access (OWA) Reconstruction Component allows you to reconstruct stubbed messages in Outlook 2010 and 2007 using the Outlook Web App.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 556 vues
What is the user of Outlook Web Access(OWA) Reconstruction Tool? (4275818)

The Outlook Web Access (OWA) Reconstruction Component allows you to reconstruct stubbed messages in Outlook 2010 and 2007 using the Outlook Web App.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 626 vues
Basic Authentication deprecation (4369030)

Microsoft promises that SMTP authentication will not be affected, however our preliminary tests do not prove that. ... How does this affect me? ... If you use Quest Archive Manager, automatic email archiving with no basic authentication enabled does not work.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 07/05/2023
1 rating | 942 vues
Archive Manager Remote Website No Longer Works After Upgrade (4238928)

After upgrading to a newer version of Archive Manager, the remote website no longer functions. ... Error states This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 23/10/2024
NA rating | 835 vues
Knowledge Article
[500] Internal Server Error: Invalid object name 'AfterMail_TEMP.sys.tables'. (4374349)

This error occurs when the AfterMail_TEMP database is missing from the SQL server where the ArchiveManager database is located. ... To resolve this issue, the AfterMail_TEMP database must be restored to the SQL Server.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 09/10/2024
NA rating | 285 vues
Knowledge Article
Updating the destination e-mail address for an alert policy from SQL Server Management Studio - Archive Manager (4369796)

Due to a product defect, the Alert Service Policies page does not display, thus making it impossible to update an Alert Policy through the user interface. ... Product defect As a workaround, you can make changes to this information via the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 09/10/2024
NA rating | 234 vues
Knowledge Article
Error when opening attachment - Input string was not in a correct format (4375142)

Attempting to open an attachment through the Archive Manager website returns the error:<br><br>&quot;message&quot;: &quot;Input string was not in a correct format.&quot;.<br>&quot;errorType&quot;: &quot;FormatException&quot; This error is caused when there are invalid characters (e.g. letters) within the configuration console in the &quot;WWW Max File Size For Buffering&quot; key, which only allows numeric values. RESOLUTION:

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 09/10/2024
NA rating | 551 vues
Knowledge Article
How to create a list of all the mailboxes assigned to a retention policy (4373813)

If ever in need of producing a list of the mailboxes which are assigned to a Retention Policy, a query can be run on the SQL database via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ... Login on Mailbox.UID = Login.UID</div>

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 09/10/2024
NA rating | 289 vues
Knowledge Article
Mailboxes displaying GUID instead of Display Name due to change in Microsoft naming convention (4371253)

Microsoft changed the Name parameter associated with recipients within a tenant in Exchange Online, which results in mailboxes displaying mailbox names incorrectly.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 10/10/2024
NA rating | 325 vues
Knowledge Article
Migrating Quest Archive Manager to a new server (4274914)

NOTE: The procedure of migration in some environments is very difficult, therefore Quest recommends to engaging Professional Services for assistance in such scenario to ensure your business continuity.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 05/09/2024
NA rating | 524 vues
Knowledge Article
Exchange Utility error: "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive" (4376590)

When trying to rehydrate mailboxes, the error &quot;The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive&quot; appears on the logs This may be caused due to firewall issues.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 02/08/2024
NA rating | 1071 vues
Knowledge Article
Error: "Could not find file "d:\ArchiveManager\Index\Message\segments" (4266863)

The segments file is missing from the specified directory or has been renamed. ... Ensure that the segments file has not been renamed to ... RESOLUTION 1: ... If the Segments File has been renamed (ex: simply rename it back to segments and restart the Full Text Index Service &amp; the Full Text Search Service.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 505 vues
Knowledge Article
How can a single folder be processed with Archive Manager? (4245494)

There may be a need to process only one folder in each users' mailbox or only a single folder in a single mailbox. ... For example an administrator wants to apply a policy B to a specific folder in a single or multiple user mailboxes.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
1 rating | 1304 vues
Knowledge Article
How do I grant access to a Mailbox in Archive Manager to an AD account that is not mailbox enable (4252988)

You would like to grant a permission to a mailbox in Archive Manager to a user who has an Active Directory account but does not own a mailbox. ... The Archive Manager Active Directory Connector does not discover logins that are not mailbox enabled by default.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 464 vues
Knowledge Article
How to connect Archive Manager to EMC Centera? (4211753)

- Default: Set to `True` if this is the active storage location. ... Pointing Archive Manager to a Specific Pool in EMC Centera ... To point Archive Manager at a specific pool in EMC Centera, the ConnectionString should be the IP address followed by a `?` and then the PEA file path and name.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 629 vues
Knowledge Article
"Your search cannot be executed because the Archive Manager Search Service is starting" (4322064)

The following error is observed in the AM search page: ... Please wait a few minutes for the service to become available and try your search again" ... The following error is found in the FTS.wlog:

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 02/07/2024
1 rating | 753 vues
Knowledge Article
What should be done with the XML files that are located in the 'Error' directory on the Archive Manager server (4213267)

Move the files from the Error directory back to the Archive Manager Export directory and the Archive Manager Data Load service will try and reprocess the XML files. ... If there are any files that have been moved back to the Error directory please make sure you are running the latest version of Archive Manager.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 537 vues
Knowledge Article
How can I export search results headers to xls format? (4324439)

How can I export search results headers to xls format? ... The option does not appear to be in the Archive Manager website to export the headers of the search results to xls. ... To accomplish exporting search results from Archive Manager into Excel using the Search Exporter tool, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 908 vues
Knowledge Article
How to find configuration details regarding Archive Manager (4263029)

To obtain the current configuration of Archive Manager and identify the storage location and type in use, you can run the following SQL queries against the Archive Manager SQL Database: ... 1. Get Current Configuration:

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 807 vues
Knowledge Article
How to rebuild the Archive Manager Full Text Index (4246632)

Performing a search for an email using the Search or Advanced search doesn't return the expected results. ... Searching on date range and email address may still be operational. . ... Under some circumstances the Full text Index can become corrupt, this can result in the following error being displayed:

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 1043 vues
Knowledge Article
Can I use a Strip Message Policy in Conjunction with a Strip Attachment Policy? (4239045)

There are four types of policies for messages. ... Strip Message ... Strip Attachments ... Delete Message. ... You may ask if they can delete the attachments after x days, then strip messages after xx days and then delete the stubs after xxx days.

Produit(s): Archive Manager
Dernière mise à jour le: 04/07/2024
NA rating | 675 vues
Knowledge Article
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