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FGL-20598Fix NullPointException in Evolve_Flex claculate logic
FGL-20597License usage export failed on some cases
Compatibility of this hotfix
Supported Foglight version: 5.9.7
To apply the hotfix:
Stop the Foglight Management Server.
Back up the $FMS_HOME/server/core/foglight.jar file, copy it to a location OUTSIDE of your Foglight installation directory (to prevent the Management Server process from loading them automatically).
Take the foglight.jar from the hotfix and replace it with the original foglight.jar file located on /server/core/
Start Management Server
Take the attached file (a new cartridge) and install it via "Cartridge Inventory" dashboard
How to verify successful completion of HFIX-330
After the restart of the Foglight Management Server, open your latest Management Server log file (for example ManagementServer_.log) after the server started completely. You can find it in the $FMS_HOME/logs directory.
In the log file, look for the platform version information. The build number should be 5.9.7-202008260444-92bf5992
Via Foglight UI, open the dashboard "Cartridge Inventory", select the tab "Core Cartridges".
The build version for should be 5.9.7-202008270246-95
How to remove this hotfix
Stop the Foglight Management Server.
Restore the foglight.jar file from the backup to their appropriate locations in your Foglight installation: /server/core/foglight.jar
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Foglight Evolve
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Article History:
Created on: 9/3/2020 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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