We have 11 host agents that are showing localhost.localdomain as their names rather than the actual host names. When alarms fire for these hosts, we don't know which host is alarming until we dig into Foglight.
localhost.localdomain is seen for Virtual machine. What we need to do to get the VM name instead of localhost.localdomain?
Rule name: File SystemCapacity
* Copy the rule & re-name it as you wish (don't chnage the rule condition)
* Go to Rule definition & chnage it as below:
LogicalDisk : host.hostType != null and host.hostType.name = 'Virtual'
* Validate the rule scope, by clicking the small green check mark.
* Save the rule scope.
Expand the Fatal severity -> Click Severity Level Variables.
Click on var1, you see it populates as below on to your right:
* Please change this to below scope. (to get VM names)
host = scope.get("host");
vm = host.detail.find { obj -> obj.topologyTypeName == 'VMWVirtualMachine' }
return vm!=null?vm.name:host.name;
Click Add -> click Ok for replace -> click Save.
You need to repeat this change for critical & Warning!
To test it: You can change the value of INF_FileSystemCapacityFatal from 98 to 2 under Administration | Rules & notifications | Manage Registry variables. (just to make the alarm fire sooner for testing purpose)
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