In vFoglight Storage 2.0 I receive the error message, “A previously unidentified error occurred communicating with SMI-S server: Contact Support. Extended information: No Storage Arrays found.” when I try to validate to Command View.
This is generally caused by two different things.
1) The instance of Command View that is collecting from the array is not the one we are collecting from.
The HP EVA uses Command View to gather metrics from the arrays. One limitation of Command View is that only one instance of Command View can access an array at one time. Another instance of Command View must actively take control for it to gather metrics.
For Example:
Server A is configured with Command View and vFoglight Storage is using this server to collect metrics from the array.
If another instance of Command View is used to collect metrics from the same array (either from another server or the web interface of the array), vFoglight Storage will not be able to collect metrics through Server A.
Resolution 1: This is a limitation of Command View.
Log into the server vFoglight Storage is using to collect metrics from the HP EVA Array that has Command View Installed. Launch Command View and take control of the array back.
Resolution 2: SMIS needs to be connected to Command View. SMIS and Command view do not need to be on the same server.
The Discoverer tool is located in the following directory:
<Install_Location>:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\SMI-S\EVAProvider\bin
Using the Discoverer tool in interactive mode.
1. To start the Discoverer tool, execute discoverer.bat.
2. Enter the HP SMI-S EVA server details in the following format:
For example, to have the Discoverer tool connect to HP SMI-S EVA running on local host port
5988, enter the IP address, the local host port number and click Enter as follows:
3. Enter your HP SMI-S EVA user name and password.
NOTE: The password is masked, so nothing is displayed.
Once connected to HP SMI-S EVA, the following options are displayed:
1. Add a CV IP:
2. Remove a CV IP:
3. Get the list of CV IPs:
0. Exit
In the following example, the user chose option 1. Add a CV IP and responded to the
following prompts:
Please enter your choice :1
Enter the IP address of CommandView /
Enter the CommandView username :usrname
Enter the CommandView password :pswd
Operation in progress....Please wait....
Operation successful!!
This connects your SMIS provider with Command View.
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