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RSA Key - Generate a new RSA key using the following commands (use -m PEM to ensure the key is in PEM format): ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM Follow the command prompts to generate the key pair. You will be required to provide a passphrase for the key. After generating the RSA key pair, add the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the respective account. cat » ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Note: The permissions on the .ssh directory should be 700, and the permissions on the authorized_keys file (./ssh/authorized_keys) should be 600. Once the key/pair is created and added to the authorized_hosts file, check if you can use it to connect to the server. ssh -i id_rsa <> If it works, create a new credential and load the private key to the FMS.
DSA Key - Follow the same steps as for the RSA key creation except create the key pair using DSA format. ssh-keygen -t dsa -m PEM
Credential Name and Lockbox - After adding the new credential properties, you can select either the existing System Lockbox or create your own. Do not select the DB-Agent Lockbox option. Note: If you create a new Lockbox you need to Manage the credential release in the Administration > Credentials > Manage Lockbox section.
Resource Mapping - The resource mapping section is used to map the credential to a given resource. Click Add and select the following options:
Usage: Infrastructure Monitoring for Unix
Access Resources Using: You can select between Target Host Name or Target Host Address
Equal or Not Equal: equals
Matching Type: Select the correct matching type for your case. If you have selected Target Host Name in the Access Resource Using section, then you can select the Domain Name option and input the host domain name. If you have selected Target Host Address, then you can select Exact Match or any of the options that suit your needs. Regardless of your choice, verify that you are using the correct Host or IP Address for the server.
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