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Foglight 5.9.2 - Command-Line Reference Guide

About the Command-Line Interface Managing the Foglight Management Server Managing the Foglight Agent Manager Managing Agents, Cartridges, and Metrics


The importldapcfg command imports LDAP settings to Foglight. The source of the import is an XML file that has been previously exported with the exportldapcfg command. LDAP settings enable access to users whose account information is stored in an external system. For more information about the LDAP settings in Foglight, see the Administration and Configuration Help.

fglcmd connection_options -cmd security:importldapcfg -f file_path>
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:importldapcfg -f ldap.xml


The list command lists users, groups, and/or roles, and indicates their relationships, as specified by a combination of the available options.

fglcmd connection_options -cmd security:list [-g] [-r] [-u] [-v]
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:list -u -g -r -v

Managing Foglight Licenses

Foglight allows you to access only those product features that are defined in your license file, and in some cases, during a specific time period. Your Foglight environment requires a license for the server and a license for each cartridge that is license-protected. Some Foglight cartridges are license-protected, while others do not require a license.

You can install any cartridges, regardless of whether they are listed in your Foglight license. Installing a license-protected cartridge without adding its license results in that cartridge being disabled by default. This describes the fglcmd commands that you can use to manage Foglight licenses. For more information about the licensing capabilities, see the Administration and Configuration Help.


The import command installs a Foglight license. Use it to install a Foglight license file whose name and location are specified by the argument.

For information on how to remove a license using the fglcmd interface, see remove .

fglcmd connection_options -cmd license:import -f <file_path>
C:\Quest\Foglight\bin>fglcmd -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd license:import -f ..\license\foglight.license

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