Updates the attributes of an OST client (OST client name and mode). The OST client modes are auto, passthrough, and dedupe.However, the OST client operating mode depends upon how it is configured in QoreStor.
- Auto —Auto mode in QoreStor functions the same as Dedupe mode.
- Passthrough — The OST client passes all data to QoreStor for dedupe processing. This is also known as “server-side dedupe”.
- Dedupe — The OST client processes hashing on the data. This is also known as “source-side dedupe” and is the default mode. Source-side depuplication is resource intensive. On machines with less than four cores, or on 32-bit machines, performance may be reduced.
ost --update_client --name <OST Client Hostname> --mode <auto|passthrough|dedupe>
--name Hostname of client
--mode OST modes (auto, dedupe, passthrough)
NOTE: You may be able to force writes for OST clients running in the Passthrough mode using the QoreStor CLI mode --dedupecommand. The change in OST client mode is effective on the next backup operation when you are using Veritas NetBackup. (If you are using Veritas Backup Exec, you will need to restart this service for it to recognize that a new mode has been configured.) |
OST client updated successfully.