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Stat 6.3 - Install Notes

Installing Stat
Prepare for installation Unpack the 6.3.0 installer Install the Stat database Create a staging database (PeopleSoft Only) Install the Stat Client Configure the Stat database Update the System Maintenance table Install the Stat Central Agent Install the Stat Oracle Agent (Oracle E- Business Suite only) Configure the SYSTEM user account Update the PS Object Mover Instructions (PeopleSoft Only) Implement Stat

Edit the INI file

The Stat® INI Editor is a GUI application designed to create new INI files and edit existing ones. The INI Editor displays all the database profile records contained in the Stat.ini file in an easy-to-read format. For more detailed instructions, see the Stat System Administration Guide, Chapter 2, Administrative Utilities.

The Stat.ini file contains the information Stat needs to connect to Stat databases. Stat.ini is located in the Stat version-specific documents folders.

The location of the stat.ini file is C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\Stat\6.3.0.
IMPORTANT: The stat.ini file may be hidden depending on the file security settings on your computer.

The Database tab in the INI Editor lists the database(s) to which Stat can connect. From here you can edit an existing INI file entry or create a new one. The INI Editor helps edit a file by asking for the exact information it needs. For example, if the DSN field is not required for a particular database, that field is grayed out.

Select File | New.
Select Edit | New Record.
In the DBMS field, select a DBMS.
Enter the STATLOGIN password in the Encrypted Login Password field, either by entering an encrypted password from another stat.ini file or by clicking Change Password and entering the STATLOGIN password.
Select File | Save as, and specify a name for the INI file.
Click Save.

The following table contains general database connection settings for the Stat INI Editor. Each record in the Stat INI Editor represents a database in the INI file. For more general information on available DBMS settings, see any of the Environment Connection Maintenance sections in the Stat System Administration Guide, Chapter 4, General Maintenance Tables.

Update the System Maintenance table

After configuring the Stat® database, the next step is to login to Stat for the first time using the special SYSTEM user account and to update the System Maintenance table. The System Maintenance table is where you define global operating parameters for your installed copy of Stat and verify your license. For more information, see the Stat System Administration Guide, Chapter 4, General Maintenance Tables.

CAUTION: The SYSTEM account is the only way to log into the Stat Client until other users are defined. When prompted for the initial password, enter a password that is easily remembered. A more secure password can be defined later.
Select Maintenance | General | System Maintenance.
In the General tab, enter the site name, address, phone number, etc.
In the License tab, do the following to enter the Stat license key:
(Optional) Change the default Country on the Other Options tab. The default is USA.

Install the Stat Central Agent

The Stat® Central Agent is a Java®-based application that contains the business logic for Stat and the UI for Stat Web client.

The following instructions apply to both Windows® and Unix® platforms. Be sure to adjust your path and environment settings to suit your platform. After installation, the startup may report errors. These are often caused by port conflicts. To resolve such conflicts, see Resolving Port and Firewall Conflicts.

Before you install the Stat Central Agent, you may want to log in to the Stat Client and perform certain configuration tasks, such as setting up service domains, defining users, and establishing connections between Stat and your native application environments and ftp file servers. It is not necessary that you configure Stat before installing the Stat Central Agent, but if installing on Windows®, this will allow you to test connectivity parameters. For PeopleSoft® users running on any platform except DB2®, this entails specifying the appropriate values in the Host Name, DB Listener Port, and (if running PeopleSoft on Oracle®) Service Name fields in the PeopleSoft Environment Connection Maintenance table. For more information, see Implement Stat and the Stat System Administration Guide, Chapter 4, General Maintenance Tables.

NOTE: If you are running PeopleSoft on a DB2 platform, see Installing DB2 Support for the Stat Central Agent for additional information.

Installing the Stat Central Agent

Stat® provides a platform on which you can install the Stat Central Agent.

You need to have a Java® Development Kit (Java SDK) installed and a system variable called JAVA_HOME
that points to the JDK installation root directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191).

If you are running Windows® or Solaris and Java® is not installed, or if you have an older version of Java installed, go to and download the appropriate version.

CAUTION: If running on a 64-bit environment, make sure the JDK installation root directory does not include spaces. The Stat Central Agent cannot run if it does.
Click Install Stat Central Agent.
Autorun opens the stat_server folder, which contains the subfolder, standalone.
Open the standalone folder, locate the file, and unzip to the desired location on the host computer where you want to install the Stat Central Agent.
An example for Windows® might be c:\stat; on Unix®, this might be /usr/local. The location you choose for the installation is referred to as <STAT_HOME>. Use a file archive utility that supports .zip files to unpack the file on Windows or the unzip utility on Unix.
NOTE: Do not unzip the file file to a directory that contains an exclamation point character (!). For Unix, use the -a modifier to unzip the file.
Edit <STAT_HOME>\app\bin\standalone.conf.bat (Windows) or <STAT_HOME>/app/bin/standalone.conf (Linux/Unix) by locating the line with the setting STAT_HOME. Then uncomment the command and set the value for the variable.
NOTE: Do not add a backslash character (\) to the end of the STAT_HOME variable.
To run the Stat Central Agent as a Windows Service instead, see Configuring the Stat Central Agent as a Windows Service. We recommend that you first configure and test the agent before creating the service.
These issues are documented in Configuring the Stat Central Agent Platform. Note that while you can address some configuration issues after you have completed installing the Stat Central Agent, you should address others before you proceed to the next step in the installation. These particular issues are documented in the subsection Before Starting the Stat Central Agent.
Use run.bat or to start the Stat Central Agent NOT as a service.
Windows: <STAT_HOME>\app\bin\run.bat
Unix: <STAT_HOME>/app/bin/
NOTE: If you have port conflicts during startup, the server will display one or more error messages. For instructions on resolving port conflicts, see Resolving Port and Firewall Conflicts.
NOTE: If you receive a Connection Refused error when your Stat Windows Client is trying to access the Stat Central Agent, you may need to start your Stat Central Agent with a -b parameter to specify the hostname of the agent. In this case, edit your run.bat ( for Unix) and add -b=<hostname>, where <hostname> is the hostname for the machine running the Stat Central Agent.
In the server console, you will see the line, Stat Configuration Assistant is ready.
Open your internet browser and go to http://<stat_server_host_machine>:8080/stat-config.

CAUTION: If you are not running the agent from the local computer (i.e. Telnet session), you must add the IP address to <STAT_HOME>/config/ or you will not have access to the Configuration Assistant. See Authorize Access to the Configuration Page.
In the Type/Vendor field, select the database platform you are using. Options include Oracle or SQL Server.
10 Enter appropriate information for the Stat database: Host Name, Port, DB/Service Name, Login ID, and Password.
For SQL Server users who have installed multiple instances of SQL Server, specify which instance the Stat Central Agent is running on in the Properties field. Also for users who have ssl enabled for SQL Server, include ssl=require in the Properties field. If you have more than one property, you can use semicolons between different properties. For example, if you are using an instance and also have ssl enbled, you can specify ssl=require;instance=database_instance_name; in the Properties field.
This field flexes to TNS Entry for Oracle users.
Click Save.
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