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Spotlight on Oracle 10.7 - Getting Started Guide

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Standby Connections Dialog

Use this dialog to manage monitoring of Oracle Data Guard environments.

  1. Open the Primary Database as a Live Connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Data Guard.

  3. Fill in the details of Standby connections in the Standby connections dialog.

    Note: These fields cannot be edited while the status of the Spotlight connection to the Standby is Connected. To Disconnect a connection, close the Standby connections dialog, right click the Standby database in the Spotlight Browser and select Disconnect.

    Field Description

    Select to monitor this Primary to Standby Oracle Data Guard connection in Spotlight.

    DB Name The name of the Standby database.
    Display Name

    The name of the Standby database as it is displayed in the Spotlight Browser. By default this is the DB Name.

    Connection String

    The connection string to the Standby database.

    This field can be entered in one of the following ways:

    TNSNAMES.ORA entry

    Spotlight populates the Connection String field with all entries from the TNS Names file, if configured, and you can select a database from this drop-down list.

    LDAP server If using Oracle names directory services (LDAP or Oracle OID), then type the name of the database into this field.
    Direct Connect Enter the connection details of the database in the following format: HOST:PORT/SERVICE_NAME.
    Oracle Username

    The Oracle Username to the Standby database.

    Tip: On a Logical Standby or Physical Standby with Read Only Access use the Spotlight User account used on the Primary. On a Physical Standby without Read Only Access use a SYSDBA Account.

    Oracle Password The password to login with the Oracle Username to the Standby database.
    Connect As The type of login to the Standby database. For example, NORMAL or SYSDBA.

    Is Spotlight connected to the Standby?

    If not connected the Status field will indicate the reason for the error.

    If you edit the fields the Status field will indicate Untested. Click Test to test the connection. If successful the Status field will change to OK. Click Connect to connect.

    Note: If there is an error and you want to close the dialog without fixing the error, deselect the Monitor field.

  4. Further actions on the Standby Connections dialog.

    Action Description
    Save password details (for these connections)

    Select to save the Oracle password(s) entered into this dialog.

    Deselect to enter the Oracle password every time


    Test all standby connections.

    Tip: Use when the Status field indicates an error or untested. Fix the error if applicable. Click Test. If the status field changes to OK then click Connect to connect.

    Note: Standby connections that are already connected are not tested.


    Connect all connections with the Monitor field selected, save all changes and close the dialog.


    Save all changes and close the dialog.


    • Use when you want to save changes and close the dialog without initiating a connection.
    • If there is an error and you want to close the dialog without fixing the error, deselect the Monitor field.
    Cancel Cancel all changes and close the dialog.
    Help Open this help page.


Related Topics

Spotlight Browser

Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard

Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Home Page

The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Related statistics are grouped together on panels that are connected by a series of graphical flows and icons. Spotlight updates these flows in real time so you can see how quickly data is moving through the environment. The icons change color as Spotlight alarms are raised, upgraded, downgraded and canceled.

To see the Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Home Page

  1. From the Spotlight Browser select All Connections | Spotlight on Oracle
  2. Select the Primary database. This opens the Primary in Live connections in the Spotlight Browser.
  3. Select the Standby database. Standby databases are indented from the Primary and show the Data Guard icon. If the Standby database is not in the list of Live connections see Standby Connections Dialog for more information.



Related Topics

Spotlight Browser

Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Alarms

Spotlight alarms indicate when the Data Guard environment exceeds acceptable performance thresholds.

Alarm Description

Apply Lag Alarm

The Apply Lag is a description of how far the Standby is behind the Primary.

Apply Process Running Alarm

This alarm is raised when the Apply Processes have stopped running.

Data Guard Overhead Ratio Alarm

The Data Guard Overhead Ratio Alarm is raised when a high proportion of the Primary's activity time is spent in Data Guard activities.

Data Guard Status Alarm

This alarm is raised when Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard has lost contact with the Standby connection (an Oracle database). Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard will attempt to reconnect.

Node Status Alarm

This alarm is raised when Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard has lost contact with the Standby connection (an Oracle RAC). Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard will attempt to reconnect.

Outstanding Logs To Apply Alarm

This alarm is raised when an unacceptable number of logs on the Standby are waiting to be processed by the Apply Server.

Outstanding Logs To Ship Alarm

This alarm is raised when an unacceptable number of logs on the Primary are waiting to be shipped through the Archiver to the Standby.

Standby Connection Status Alarm

This alarm is raised when Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard has lost contact with one or more instances of the Oracle RAC (Standby connection). Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard will attempt to reconnect.

Transport Lag Alarm

Keep Transport Lag low so your Recovery Point Objective can be met.

Transport Process Running Alarm

This alarm is raised when the Transport Processes have stopped for some reason.


Related Topics

Spotlight on Oracle RAC

Note: Spotlight monitoring of Oracle RAC systems requires additional licensing.

Use Spotlight on Oracle RAC to diagnose Oracle databases on multiple host machines under the Real Application Clusters (RAC) architecture.

When monitoring the behavior of an Oracle RAC cluster, a database administrator needs to know:

  1. How is each of the instances in my cluster performing?
  2. How is the database as a whole performing?
  3. Is my database experiencing cluster-related contention?

To further investigate the behavior of individual database instances within the cluster, the database administrator can use Spotlight on Oracle RAC to launch Spotlight on Oracle on any particular instance within a cluster. Instance Panels

For information on Spotlight on Oracle RAC, see these sections



Connect to Spotlight on Oracle RAC

Create / Modify / Delete connections to Spotlight on Oracle RAC.

Setup Spotlight Users and complete the Oracle User Wizard.

Spotlight on Oracle RAC Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.
Spotlight on Oracle RAC Alarms

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Spotlight on Oracle RAC Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.


Documentos relacionados
Spotlight on Oracle - 10.7
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
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