Los siguientes errores se observan en el ambiente ASM:
Info 2016-02-17 11:52:31.513274 124315 2106877776 Capture exited with code=1, pid = 130471 (capturing from SID1)
Error 2016-02-17 11:52:30.434811 130471 3495557440 Capture stopped: Internal error encountered; cannot continue (capturing from SID1)
Notice 2016-02-17 11:52:30.374081 130471 3495557440 Capture: Begin record skip at seqno=46862 offset=0 rc=2 (capturing from SID1) [module oct]
Warning 2016-02-17 11:52:30.349635 130471 3495557440 Capture: A portion of the redo log could not be parsed (capturing from SID1) [module oct]
Error 2016-02-17 11:52:29.965129 130471 3495557440 Capture: Error opening file +DATADG1/SID1/redo05.log: ASMopen: ASMOciOpen: ASMQueryOpenViaDiskGroup_db:HandleAllocate OCI_INVALID_HANDLE (capturing from SID1) [module oct]
En este caso los archivelogs si existen en el destino de estos archivos.
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