How to use the Backup Agent Management node in the console to install the Backup Agents on the DCs?
Backup agents can be installed and upgraded from the console using the Backup Agent Management node. This applies only to preinstalled backup agents, and not backup agents that automatically get installed with every backup (no configuration required in this scenario).
To install new agents, you can now right click on the computer collection and choose the "Install Backup Agent..." option. This will launch a wizard and you can either use the currently logged in credentials or you can specify credentials. After the agents have been installed, go to the properties of the collection and select "Use preinstalled Backup Agent" on the "Agent Settings" tab.
To upgrade existing backup agents in your domain navigate to the Backup Agent Management node on the left hand side of the console. Select and highlight any agents that need to be upgraded. Multiple DC's can be selected by holding down shift or ctrl and selecting the amount of DC's required to be upgraded. Then you can right click on the highlighted DC's and chose "Upgrade Backup Agent..." and follow the prompts. The same process can be used to uninstall existing backup agents.
Due to firewall restrictions, the ability to install backup agents manually is still an option. The Backup Agent Management node provides a means to install and upgrade many agents at once in a non firewalled environment.
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