The following warning occurrs during a backup:
"License violation: Total number of user accounts in backed up domains (xxxxx) exceeds licensed number (xxxxx)"
The Recovery Manager for Active Directory application counts all enabled user accounts in Active Directory (both user and iNetOrgPerson objects), when determining if the user is in compliance with their activation license. Disabled user accounts are not counted by Recovery Manager.
For example, if you have 10,000 users in your Active Directory, but 1,000 accounts are disabled, then Recovery Manager will only count 9,000 users. Recovery Manager performs license counts at the time a backup is created by the application, and when a backup is unpacked, just before performing a restore.
RESOLUTION 1: (The environment is going to stay at the same size or grow).
RESOLUTION 2: (The environment is currently over the size limit due to unused and/or inactive accounts).
RESOLUTION 3: (Currently sites and/or domains are being backed up or have been backed up that are no longer need).
Affects all versions of Recovery Manager for AD before version 7.1.4.
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