Does the “Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication” policy needs to be Enabled/Disabled for scheduled task to work?
If this policy is explicitly enabled & applied on the RMAD(FE) Console Server, then the scheduled task of the collection created, the task will be created but in an improper state.
An event similar to the following will be received:
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational
Source: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler
Date: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss PM
Event ID: 116
Task Category: Task registered without credentials
Level: Warning
Task Scheduler validated the configuration for task "\(Recovery Manager Backup Job) Nostorage" , but credentials could not be stored. User Action: Re-register the task ensuring the credentials are valid. Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943712.
Incidentally, the task is not visible in Task Scheduler and could not be run. As a result, the RMAD(FE) backup process is unable to start.
More than likely, this would be a Task Scheduler issue rather than RMAD(FE).