“IAM roles” is a global AWS cloud setting within Litespeed.
All Litespeed procedures should use those same cloud settings.
In the screenshot below, once you select the “IAM roles” here, that setting will be used each time you use the region and bucket setup in the wizard.
As an example, the following TSQL should work.. (Please note how the access key and secret key are commented out and not used)
exec master.dbo.xp_slsSmartCleanup
@database = N'test',
@CloudVendor = N'AmazonS3',
@CloudBucketName = N'test',
---@CloudAccessKeyEnc = N'********',
----@CloudSecretKeyEnc = N'*******',
@CloudRegionName = N'us-east-1',
@UseSSL = 1,
@BackupRetainDays = 28,
@LogRetainDays = 7
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