In order to restore master database, a special procedure is required due the fact that master database keeps all the users access to the SQL Server instance. Follow the procedures to restore master database as starting SQL Server on single-mode as described on Solution 13484. To restore the Master database from a LiteSpeed backup device:
NOTE: This has to be done by command line and script. There is no way to restore Master database on LiteSpeed from the GUI, due to the single-user login requirement.
1. Start Microsoft SQL Server in single-user mode, from a command prompt, enter:
...\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe -c -m
2. Using another command prompt, execute theTSM restore statement to restore the master database backup through TSM.
sqllitespeed -Rdatabase -Dmaster -T -i"FILESPACE\HIGH\LOW" -c"TSMCLIENTNODE" -k"TSMPASSWORD" -j"c:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt" -L2
-T is for SQL Server authentication, it is recommended to start SQL Server on single-mode as Windows Authentication and use the same credentials on this command line, replace -T for -U (user name) and -P (password)
-OR- From tsmarchive: sqllitespeed.exe -Rdatabase -Dmaster -T -i"ZA7B\SYSTEM\CM-SAS-DBA-T05.master.Full110207083332.SLS" -j"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm_lite.opt -tsmarchive1
3. Restart SQL Server and LiteSpeed Agent.
NOTE: The parameter 'L2' will create a text log file in the following directory: C:\Program Files\Imceda\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Engine\Logs