How to use LiteSpeed Object Level Recovery on a native SQL Server backup file.
User would like to use the LiteSpeed Object Recovery on a backup file the was generated by MS SQL Server, not by LiteSpeed.
To access the GUI Wizard, in Enterprise Console select Backup | Object Recovery Tables.
The following script may be ran in Query Analyzer to restore a table to a temp table in the destination database from a native SQL Server backup file.
EXEC xp_objectrecovery
@filename='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\Northwind.BAK'
, @objectname = 'dbo.Products'
, @destinationdatabase='Northwind'
, @destinationtable='Products_temp1'
NOTE: Prior to executing, verify that the disk has room to create the temp table. If necessary, add the following parameter for an existing directory to the script:
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