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Download LiteSpeed for SQL Server 9.0


Date: Feb 03, 2025

LS-2385: Override default LiteSpeed settings on the remote instance is added under the LiteSpeed Installation Directory step in the Remote Deploy Configuration Wizard.
LS-2458: A Retry button is added when a log shipping plan creation or role reversal process fails under the Execute Script in the Log Shipping Plan Wizard.
LS-2198: Automated restore can locate all replicas/nodes of an always-on group despite the status of the target server.
LS-2336: MP Settings (Maintenance Plan Settings) is added in the Backup Template Wizard to set the Number of threads for databases.
LS-2482: Do not apply for Transaction Log Backup is added to the Options of the Backup Template Wizard under the Copy Only Backup option.
LS-2498: An option to create database backup for SQL Server 2022 using QAT compression is added in Backup Wizard when selecting Regular backup for native backups.
LS-2499: Disaster Recovery option is added as Restore Type in the Automated Restore Wizard, allowing users to automatically recreate databases after a crash.
LS-2497: Support for Azure connections using a SAS token is added in the Cloud Accounts, offering an alternative to the Access Key method.

LS-2480: Jobs remain in In Progress status while reporting to the Central repository.
LS-2487: Check Database Integrity task report incorrect duration in Maintenance Plan reporting.
LS-2486: "Content-MD5 OR x-amz-checksum- HTTP header is required for Put Part requests with Object Lock parameters" error is encountered when backing up databases on S3 bucket with ObjectLock and retention mode enabled

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SHA256: fd606058172f76b754c993ae89f5faa6d953612b62ac035b553a6b11af8daaaa