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Download ApexSQL Refactor 2022.01.0482


This ApexSQL Refactor release uses a new product licensing engine and may require a license update.

Please refer to the knowledge base article here for additional information and instructions on implementing this release.

Release: 2022.01.0482
Date: May 12, 2022


The activation model is switched to Subscription
The application does not support integration into SQL Server Management Studio 2012, 2014, and 2016 versions
The application does not support integration into Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 versions

Known issues:

"The 'ApexSOLRefactorJnstPackage' package did not load correctly" error is encountered when the Visual Studio 2019 16.7 version is started


105670: Excessive space is added in the SQL insert statement when the Smart indent option under the Formatting tab of the Options dialog is used
141333: ApexSQL Refactor add-in intermits Outline Statements functionalities within the application host query editor
146253: Columns name in the Encapsulate code window – Parameters grid inadvertently change upon Preview action
149177: Always use BEGIN and END in IF statements option for ELSE IF statements creates needless nesting and statements which compromise code cleanliness and visuals
149178: The Indent condition body statement option under the Flow control tab of the Options dialog does not work correctly
149179: The Indent code within BEGIN and END blocks options under the Flow control of the Options dialog does not work correctly
155332: The CASE statement will always be in a separate line even when all options are turned off
156920: Insert empty line before each statement option under the Formatting tab of the Options dialog does not work for the SET statement
157146: The formatting profile does not format SQL code correct if the Year functions is used within the last query line

Para garantizar la integridad de su descarga, verifique el valor de la suma de verificación.
SHA256: e8ef0fb00ab95d8975468fce289dfeacdc525c8df32faa20e3571ad3ccabaaee

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ApexSQL Refactor 2022.x Release Notes and Requirements.pdf
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