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Download Foglight Cartridge For Apache 6.3.0


Foglight for Apache enables you to quickly determine the status of each of your monitored Apache web servers by providing a visual overview of key access and traffic metrics.

Foglight for Apache version 6.1.x requires Foglight Management Server version 5.6.3 and later, and Foglight Agent Manager version 5.9.7 and later.
Note: Customers who need to upgrade their Apache cartridge from 5.6.5 to 6.1.x and require their data from the 5.6.5 version be compatible with the 6.1.x version should contact Quest Support for help. Quest Support can reference APPB-340 for different solutions on how to perform a data migration with 5.6.5 data in different scenarios.

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SHA256: 16d3ed01d7fee1efa7046b5d2ca729db9adc50a7f340a1eeeb3313b9e9fe5ed4