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Download ApexSQL Build 2022.01.0358


This ApexSQL Build release uses a new product licensing engine and may require a license update.

Please refer to the knowledge base article here for additional information and instructions on implementing this release.

Release: 2022.01.0358
Date: October 10, 2022


-209522: "Partition column 'column_name' has data type data_type1_name which is different from the partition function 'partition_function_name' parameter data type data_type2_name" error is encountered when building a database where the partition function parameter and partition column have different data types
-206490: "Invalid partition scheme specified" error is encountered when trying to build database which contains partition schema
-211134: “You can only create a user with a password in a contained database" error is encountered when trying to create a contained database which is linked on the Git repository


-The activation model is switched to Subscription
-Trust server certificate option is added under the Connection options dialog

To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.
SHA256: aa57a8531100263b03a58104012d7c8cdc795320eef301a7948e59adcd41b0d6

Document Title
ApexSQL Build 2022.x Release Notes and Requirements.pdf
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