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Download ApexSQL Mask 2020.06.0286


Release: 2020.06.0286
Date: April 13, 2021

- 180560: SQL query generator masks are not displayed correctly when the Refresh button is clicked from the Home tab.
- 183287: Redaction rule is not applied when opting for Refresh button in the Home tab.
- 191985: Editing “Use original mask” in “Create substitution window” display incorrect mask type.
- 197208: The Zip Code sensitive data in columns are automatically masked with data created with the Use original generator instead of data that is created by the predefined generator.
- 197757: User authentication for remote SQL Server connection is unsuccessful after the project file in use is saved more than once.
- 197768: “String or binary data would be truncated” error is encountered when the Specific value type is longer than column data type.
- 199092: Automatic scan for sensitive data is performed on Refresh button when it is disabled in the Options.
- 199132: “Selected columns must have masking rules to export masked data” info message is shown when exporting in XML, JSON, CSV, and Excel output file format column which is masked with Hide original data.

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SHA256: 3931591c6e84b18a4540e032d2538c58f3e3f24b99ec343bf7c1853337cdb1aa

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ApexSQL Mask 2020.x Release Notes and Requirements.pdf
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