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Download ApexSQL Doc for MySQL 2020.01.0007


Release: 2020.01.0007
Date: May 21, 2020


- Document MySQL database.
- MySQL Server 8.0 and higher support.
- Fully customize documentation output.
- Automate and schedule documentation unattended.
- Connection types SSL, SSH, Named pipe, TCP/IP.
- Save project as Automation script.
- Document or ignore specific MySQL database object types or attributes.
- Document database in CHM, HTML, DOC, DOCX, Markdown, and PDF file formats.
- Application telemetry now collects anonymous data on the use and performance of applications and application components.
- ApexSQL Updater is added for configuring advanced updating settings of all installed ApexSQL products.
- GUI themes.
- High DPI and 4K resolution support.
- Visual Language Dictionary for Visual Studio for iconography and other imagery concepts applied.

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ApexSQL Doc for MySQL 2020.x Release Notes and Requirements.pdf
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