Note: the device is brand new or going to be reused and there's no important data on it. Proceeding with actions in this article will effectively delete all data on the device!
To resolve the issue please perform the following steps:
- open Dell OpenManage System Administrator (OMSA)
- expand Main System Chassis, Storage, expand PERC controller and click on Virtual Disks
- select RAID6 disks one by one, in Available Actions dropdown, select Delete and Apply/Perform
After this operation, only 1 Virtual Disk with OS should be left
- stop the Core service
- open regedit and navigate to HKLM\Software\Apprecovery\Appliance key. Set FTBUConfigured value to false.
- navigate to HKLM\Software\Apprecovery\Core key, expand it. Export and delete FTBUconfigure key underneath the Core key
- start the Core service back
- open c:\Program Files\Apprecovery\Appliance\FTBU folder. Run FTBU.EXE in run as admin mode
FTBU will process device reconfiguration, creating necessary Virtual Disks for Winbackup, RASR and Repository (Virtual Standby is optional)
Open RapidRecovery Core console and make sure that repository got provisioned successfully.
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