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DR Series Software 4.0 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide Introducing the DR Series system Managing the DR Series system
Alerts Commands Authenticate Commands Network
Network Command Usage network --show network --delete network --restart network --setdhcp network --setstatic_ip [--bondif <bondN>] [--nwif <ethN>] --ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use> --netmask <netmask> [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --create_bond network --create_eth network --add_member network --setdns [--suffix <dns suffix>] [--primary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--secondary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --setbonding --bondif <bondN> [--mode <ALB | 802.3ad>] [--mtu <supported MTU range 512 - 9000>] network --update network --factory_reset network --host network --route network --nslookup --destination <ip address | hostname> network --traceroute --destination <ip address | hostname> network --ping --destination <ip address | hostname> [--tries <number>] [--size <number>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --blink network --enable network --disable network --troubleshoot [--links] [--gateway] [--ntp] [--dns] [--active_domain] [--nis] [--clients] [--port_mapper] [--network_config] [--show_active <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI|FC>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --troubleshoot --gateway --interface <bondN | ethN> network --troubleshoot [--show_active <NFS| CIFS|OST|NDMP|ISCSI|RDS>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] [--file_size <0 - 100>] [--stop] [--host <ip address list>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --tcpdump [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] network --tcpdump [--file_size <0 - 100>] network --tcpdump [--host <ip address list>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] network --iperf_client --server <ip address | hostname> [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB]>] [--interval <num seconds>] [--time <num seconds>] network --iperf_server [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB>] network --help
OST RDA Stats Storage Group commands System
System Command Usage system --show [--config] system --show [--hardware] system --show [--storage] [--type <boot | internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] system --show [--storage] system --show [--license] [--verbose] system --show [--ntp] system --show [--version] system --show [--timezones [Region]] system --show [--upgradefile] system --show [--upgradehistory] system --show [--marker] system --show [--replication_traffic] system --show [--opdup_traffic] system --show [--backup_traffic] system --show [--mgmt_traffic] system --init system --init --secure_erase <1–pass/3-passes/7-passes> system --reboot system --shutdown system --upgrade system --license [--validate] [--add] system --setname --name <node_name> system --setdate [--date <date>] [--timezone <Region/Zone>] system --setntp [--add <server name>] system --setntp [--delete <server name>] system --setntp [--enable] system --setntp [--disable] system --setntp [--adjust_time] system --setlogin system --telnet [--enable | --disable] system --datacheck --enable system --datacheck --disable system --datacheck --throttle system --marker [--enable] [--disable] system --verify_on_read [--enable] [--disable] system --add_storage --enclosure <service tag> system --storage [--set_usage_alert <70% - 90%>] system --storage [--blink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num>] system --storage [--unblink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num> system --mgmt_traffic system --backup_traffic system --replication_traffic system --opdup_traffic system --support_agent --register system --support_agent --unregister system --support_agent --stats system --support_agent --status system --help
User Virtual Machine
Maintaining the DR Series System
Diagnostics Maintenance
Maintenance Command Usage maintenance --filesystem [--start_scan [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata] [--storage_group <name>] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_scan] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_status] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_report [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_status [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_history [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_restart [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_now] maintenance --filesystem [--reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem --show_throughput maintenance --configuration [--backup] maintenance --configuration [--restore] maintenance --configuration [--reinit_dictionary] maintenance --configuration [--reset_web_certificate] maintenance --hardware [--reinit_nvram] maintenance --hardware [--restore_hw_db] maintenance --hardware [--motherboard_replaced] maintenance --disk [--make_standby [slot num]] [--type <internal | external-<num> | service tag>] --clear_foreign] maintenance --remote_access [--show] maintenance --remote_access [--enable] maintenance --remote_access [--racreset] maintenance --remote_access [--static_ip] [--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--netmask <netmask>] [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--device <lom1|lom2|lom3|lom4>] maintenance --remote access [--disable] maintenance --vdisk --check_consistency --type <boot|internal|external> [--service_tag <service tag>] maintenance --help
Managing DR Series System Storage Operations
System Storage Operation Commands Connection Container VTL NDMP iSCSI FC Replication Seed Schedule
Data Integrity Checking Additional Linux Commands

system --show [--version]


system --show --version


Version                        : 4.0.0272.0 Mon Dec 5 20:02:24 PST 2016

system --show [--timezones [Region]]


system --show --timezones


Following are the time zone regions.
Africa  		America  		Antarctica 	Arctic				Asia 			Atlantic			Australia
Brazil   		CET      		CST6CDT				Canada				Chile			Cuba						EET					
EST 					EST5EDT			Egypt					Eire					Etc					Europe					Factory
GB						GB-Eire			GMT							GMT+0				GMT0				Greenwich			HST
Hongkong		Iceland			Indian					Iran					Israel			Jamaica				Japan
Kwajalein		Libya				MET							MST						MST7MDT		Mexico					Mideast
NZ						NZ-CHAT			Navajo					PRC						PST8PDT		Pacific				Poland
Portugal		ROC						ROK							Singapore		Turkey			UCT							US	
UTC						Universal		W-SU						WET						Zulu
Note: To display the time zones that can be selected in a specific region, use the following command:
system --show --timezones Chile
Following are the time zones in Chile region:
Easter Island

system --show [--upgradefile]


system --show --upgradefile


Version                        : 4.0.0273.0
MD5 Checksum              : 6cc18503cc555cb3cdf9bb8dbe487b4a


system --show [--upgradehistory]


system --show --upgradehistory


Update Manager started at       : 2016/12/05 23:20:56
Version                         : 3.1.2219.1
Update status                   : SUCCESS, REBOOT REQUIRED
Update Manager finished at      : 2016/12/05 23:42:09
Update Manager started at       : 2016/12/07 09:53:13
Version                         : 4.0.0273.0
Update status                   : SUCCESS, REBOOT REQUIRED
Update Manager finished at      : 2016/12/07 10:10:40

Verwandte Dokumente
DR Series Software - 4.0
Administrator Guide
Command Line Reference Guide
Interoperability Guide
Release Notes
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